Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 5 June 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

No time for a post or replies from me, folks. Really, really busy. I'm sending good wishes to all. Heather: I hope your daughter is improving.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Hi one and all ,especailly lindybird have put your lovely poem on the community site under the title A visit to Ruskin mill. may want to see your work.yas

  • Hello, all.  Very hot again, so indoors, and a catch-up.  Friday evening’s talk on the recent Roman digs was interesting, but it’s a big leap from the evidence the found to the conclusion which our speaker and his cohorts (notice the Roman pun) ended with.  I think we are left needing serious verification.

    Yesterday we set off eastward through the hills to the annual Craft Fair at Newcastleton; lots of lovely things, and we found a birthday present for GD#1, a local history book, some scones, housewarming gifts for both Grandsons ( one just moved, other about to) and allowed ourselves to be tempted by a lovely watercolour painting of an Osprey!  We had lunch there with plenty of the day remaining so drove the very rural route (single track and with sheep and lambs on the road) up and over the watershed to the North Tyne and Kielder.  We tried the Salmon Hatchery first, but when they say it is open, it’s only a video and information boards; visitors aren’t allowed in the actual hatchery.  We went to the Castle Tearoom for drink and cake and had a table looking right at the HD camera relay from Osprey Nest 1A – I hadn’t realised they have four chicks on that nest, and all look to be doing well.  We drove down the water and back home parallel with Hadrian’s Wall – OH said it would be quicker, but it was twice the distance.  We slept late this morning, and didn’t attempt to get to church – plenty to do here after being out yesterday.

    Been reading through all the conversation posted Friday and Saturday.

    Annette – pleased you are able to help the Grandchildren with finance and a listening ear.  I hope your GD’s employer will be fair to her, she has always been a willing and hard-working young woman.  Modern science is certainly helping with Roman excavations around here (geophysical surveys help prevent wasted digging in the wrong place) and it’s so much better since archaeologists decided they can trust most detectorists!

    Dibnlib – pleased you could make use of the damp Friday to drink coffees with friend!  But I hope you have had some sunshine over the weekend – Daughter’s latest email said she has it her side of Inverness.  I hope you two are now feeling better, and that you get your walk at Loch an Eilean on Monday (and breakfast at MC?).

    Pete – I hope you will successfully see the Phalerope next time you can go looking for it!

    Wendy – are you seriously going to hire a goat for the garden?  They are helpful at nibbling the grass and weeds, but they do leave “other things” behind!

    Linda – I am sure the stroll and cuppa did your Friend good as part of her recovery!  Sounds like fun pruning with Bonnie’s help – sorry it rained before you cleared up.  That is a really lovely Robin photo!

    Chrisy – glad you had same weather as us – can imagine the crowds where you are – a friend was wild camping on Blencathra last week.  Should be good at the Garden Open Day today!

    Brenda – sorry your Son and DiL are homesick and you are missing them, but not long until they are home for your Daughter’s wedding!

    Heather – I hope you had made enough Cornish Pasties to feed Daughter and Grandchildren, and that you enjoyed their company.  I hope youngest Daughter is feeling better now she is home.

    AQ – pleased you are not in so much pain and were able to prepare the meal – or was that just necessity?  Take care!

    Diane – thanks for the new thread.  Sorry you are so busy – work seems to be either feast or famine for you!  Do take care – don’t forget to eat – and drink plenty in hot weather!

    Yas – how good that you can pass things on to others by leaving them to be picked up – surprised people on the Cotswold Way can carry them, though; the long-distance walkers in our family always seem laden with huge heavy rucksacks!

    Well, Andy lost, so I guess he is Scottish again this evening, having been claimed as British when he was doing well in earlier rounds!

    Now nearly dinner time (took a break to do things).  Temp now still 30 degrees C!  Hottest so far. 

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Just a quick visit to say thank you for all your thoughts. My older stepdaughter drove me across the country to Woking first for police station and Coroner visits, then on to Chertsey. We removed 9! Box files and two portable filing boxes and I went to the local hotel to find out about the Wake. I discovered a lot more than I bargained for, my estimate had to go up somewhat on numbers. As the local vicar was right on the scene of the accident that is now sorted out for the funeral. Weekend spent sifting and sorting and now praying for we have found everything. Back to Chertsey once the interim death certificates reach us next week. Phone line will be busy tomorrow!

  • KEITH - continuing with thoughts and prayers for you and your family.  Pleased to see there shouldn't be too much to delay your arrangements.  Thanks for updating us at this sad and difficult time.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Thank you DIANE,for starting the week. You are busy- That is good, I think!

    OH and I have been busy outside for most of the day. We are both very tired, just had dinner and I have cleared up, he is fit for nothing! Weather warm today but with a cooling NW wind. Tomorrow we hope to pressure hose sittooterie and start the rest of the paths etc. Also I must get down on my knees and tidy up weeds and grass growing beneath grass edges etc that the edging tool doesn't cope with. What joy!

    Sorry no individual replies - take care, all.

  • ALAN   love your pic, thank you.

    KEITH    pleased you are able to get on with arrangements.

  • Well sets 1 and 4 were great tennis. What a shame Andy lost, but hey ho, roll on Wimbledon.

  • Sadly Dibnlib if you go to work looking like an unmade bed you play that way. He needs to get a grip... Well that's just IMO..

    Loads done here garden looking amazing..

    Daisy was 7 today:-)

    Packing for trip to Puffin land:-)

  • Oh, HEATHER, I really hope you two have not done too much today; I decided it was too hot to be outside - just been watering and it's still 20 degrees!

    WENDY - lovely to look out at a really tidy garden - don't often get a run of good weather to have it all done at the same time!  I hope Daisy enjoyed her birthday, although I guess she spent much of it on her chaise longue in the shade.  Enjoy your trip to see Puffins - will Pufflets be out yet?

    Good news to share: going to be Great Grandparents later this year!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!