JUNE Surely even in Scotland it is summer by now. Our Loch Garten osprey family is off to a good start, with two lovely chicks, both growing like weeds as little bobbleheads seem to have a way of doing.  Already they are both, even the wee one, too steady on their feet, too well coordinated,to be called bobbleheads..  So in June we will watch as they move onward to become bigger and better.

  •   The entire

    family gathered for breakfast earlier this morning.

  • Good morning all. Keith where in Kent were you working? Couldve popped in for a cuppa LOL! The bobbleheads at LG and Rutland are no longer cute i think they have reached the "ugly" stage, but will soon resemble the magnificent birds they will soon become!

    Very sad about the Gorilla at your local zoo June. It has unsurprisingly caused a media storm :(

  • Love your "june" welcoming post! It is your month :) Hope the weather for you is better than here at the moment 2 days of wind and drizzle. (I actually do quite enjoy this weather)

    I wonder where Clarach will settle eventually? So delighted that she has returned :) Also wonder where White 14 will end up? Watching him with great interest! Also UV :)

  • Hi Willow, did you notice the pearl at the center of the white flower to the left.  The jewel for the month of June, I believe.  A nice touch I thought.

    Don't know how my print got so large, but I didn't try to correct it.  Another nice touch I thought so I just left well enough alone.

  • I have checked the LG Cam several times today and except for the time of the picture already posted, I have found nothing of interest.  

    Frankly my mind is more on our Cincinnati Zoo situation. As y'all probably have noticed through the years, I am very proud of our Zoo. I have a certain attachment to any of "our" animals. And you all know that I love wild animals in general.  Harambe was a perfect specimen of a healthy gorilla in his prime.  It breaks my heart to see him destroyed. For his sake alone and for what his loss does to the Cincinnati conservation/breeding program.  

  • That being said, the Zoo did what it had to do!!

    As to the mother, her careless parenting habits irritate me no end.  Witness says she told her child several times "You can't go there."  Clearly she was aware of some danger but did nothing to prevent it.  Also the witness said she was watching several other children, as if that excused her from more closely watching the one who fell in.  It did not.

  • Internet is extremely poor from hotel as in remote area of Greece (Again around Delphi Area).

    58 Willow I was working Isle of Grain - Kent but when I come home have an assignment in Market Harborough so close to Rutland Water so will pay a visit on the two rest days I have.

    Regarding the zoo incident - Yes I agree very poor supervision from the parent which I had already read in the report. Also the zoo should have taken measures that a child could not slip into the enclosure such as improved barriers and rails.

    Unfortunately that has resulted in the loss of an endangered species.

  • I have not myself seen or heard of a report as to how the child actually got thru or over the barrier,  I do have confidence in our Zoo that they have done everything that is possible to create and maintain safe barriers.  I have visited that exhibit many times and felt safe enough; well separated from the animals with no feeling or hint of impending danger.

  •  Just a few moments ago.  Both birds are in clear view and easily sighted when movement can be detected.