Last week's Chat thread is here.
I left a long reply on the end of last week's thread. I've got a nasty deadline this week for my project, so you all won't hear from me for a few days. I hope everyone has a great week! Eastern BluebirdLabelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)
Thanks Lindy for that,good to know, tell me is there 2 posts for this site at the momentfor the group?, have put replys in both? Good to hear what you said about teaching your husband to cook, never too old has they say to learn. Yas
Vivienne G said:if you put them in a bit of sherry before use
Good Morning Everyone. We returned home at the weekend, after a hectic but a wonderful time with the ' children'. The weather was great until Sunday night when the thunderstorms, hail, rain arrived and the wind has been so cold for the last couple of days. Another grey day, today. We have needed the CH on, in the evenings. We saw the church and met the priest, for daughter's wedding and also the venue for the reception. I needed a couple of rest days to recuperate. LOL
Daughter-in -Law left for Geneva on Monday, for work and should have landed back in Singapore today. Son doesn't leave until Friday. He will come here this evening and spend tomorrow with us before returning to London and packing for his flight back to Singapore. They order so much ' stuff' to be delivered to daughter's to take back with them, including dog food for Penny. The luggage allowance is very generous.
I have read all this week's posts, but still have to read half of last week's. I will catch up eventually.
Sorry to see that AQ is still really suffering and OG has had even further pain. Good to see you had all the appropriate treatment OG.
Welcome back, BRENDA, after what sounds like a busy but enjoyable few days. It must be good to see your Son and Daughter together, but will also be special to have him visit tonight and tomorrow. Amazed that he can return with so many essentials like dog food! We still have good dry and warm weather, although more cloud and breeze today. Garden is looking good because we are able to get on with it most days. Also looks as if I shall actually reach the bottom of the ironing pile this afternoon - including a pair of trousers still hanging on the line (most of today's load belongs to J, and I don't do his ironing!)
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
OG, Sorry to say, but my son, like his Dad, is hopeless at ironing. He is a very good cook and actually enjoys gardening. Even his wife has always employed a cleaner, who also does the ironing !Your garden does sound wonderful. The gardener, we asked to redesign our garden has not produced any new plans yet. OH emailed him yesterday. I guess it is a very busy time for all gardeners.We have had heavy rain this afternoon, so there is no worry about watering here.
I spoke to Margo this morning and she is hoping that it will be dry for the wedding at the weekend, but the forecast doesn't look great.
Hello all!
Welcome home, BRENDA. You will have thoroughly enjoyed your family days, and still have some time with your son, to look forward to:-) I remember youngest daughter's wedding - she was the last to get wed. We had to book all the bed rooms in the hotel for that night, no option. Together with the dresses, flowers, food and drinks at the reception and food for the evening do, plus a ceilidh band, it made a very large hole in the bank a/c. Hers was the only wedding where I picked up the whole tab. Son was older (36)and paid for his own wedding, eldest daughter also refused my help as they had been living together for ten years and middle daughter had a very small wedding (and very affordable!). However, when OH's daughter got wed for the first time at the grand age of 50 she expected her father to pay for everything - and he did, without complaint. I had my own thoughts but kept them to myself.
Another beautiful day here, we are so lucky.
Hello All,
Been busy with various 'things' recently.
We went to Chelsea Flower Show last week. Us and a few thousand other people!
OH and I both thought we liked the gardens more than we did on our last visit (I think three years ago). There was less 'bling' and more emphasis on the plants. I never did go for the primary coloured, artificial structures of a few years back, but that is just my opinion.
Belated condolences to Keith. So sorry to read you sad news.
Also, belated welcome to Yas. I am a comparative newcomer to this thread, but have been following the Loch Garten Ospreys since visiting there in 2008.
I like the idea of raspberries in sherry.
Glad that you've had a chat with Margo, Brenda. And so pleased that you've had a successful and pleasant week, even if it was busy! Enjoy your time with your son before he flies back to Singapore.
Interesting to hear about the different weddings, Heather. My father paid for everything for ours, all those years ago, but nowadays it seems that often all the participants contribute in some way at least - weddings are much grander now and often go on for pretty much all day and evening. Our son & wife were going to try and pay for all of theirs, last year, but we insisted that we contribute as her father was not involved, nor even invited. It was gratefully received, and they were able to invite more friends.
We are now home, by the way, after a good and dry journey back. Some laundry already on the line, and the new flowers in the garden admired and commented on, including clematis and poppies!! Hooray!!
Hi Rosy. I believe that the Chelsea Flower Show can be rather a squashed affair, so have never been and rely on the TV coverage instead. I agree about the emphasis on bling in the gardens.Agree that Yas's suggestion of fruit soaked in sherry sounds rather good to me, too!!
Margo, pleased that you and your OH have been able to enjoy yourself, recently.
Good luck with the wedding weather.
AQ, sorry you are having knee problems. Good that you can have the op. soon .
Hope you can then recover quickly and resume your trips.
OG, Hope you are feeling more comfortable.
Your time with family sounds great, Brenda. We have needed the CH as well. Wet windy and gloomy here.
I forgot to say, my favourite garden at the flower show was the Beauty of Mathematics garden. Lovely curvy shapes of the seat and steps (unpainted). Oh, and the plants were lovely too! Some unusual succulents amongst the flowering plants.
Our D in L and G'daughter are arriving on Friday from the US, so will be rather occupied.
Greeting to Annette (on her bike)! Lindy Glad you feel better and enjoyed Wales,
Heather, (hiding ladders from her OH) Diane, thank you for this weeks pic.
and everyone else I haven't mentioned.