Hi everyone,
What a day, still too windy to have them ringed and tagged so we wait to see whether they will do it today
I think a total of 5 fish were delivered over the course of the day. Exercising, eating, sleeping, just what teenagers get up to really. Lots of nice pics posted during the course of the day.
Happy viewing, see you in the morning, night, night.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Good One Annette.
Great capture, Brenda. I was quite amused when they were all staring into the distance.
Thanks Sandy for weather picture. Sun is just emerging (or trying to) in Inverness,
I have to amuse myself Heather, waiting for this R & B. I haven't ventured too far from this computer. We could have nearly another two hour wait at least, if they don't start untill after 6pm.
Enjoy your evening Linda.
Oh boo. If they wait until 8 p.m. UK time I'll be out at docs and doing errands. Still, better then than missing the chance! All quiet at LG and LOTL right now (even though LOTL got very exciting a little while ago); all chicks still at home.
Brenda, super caption to your pic and Lindybird marvellous action pic - all the rest are great as well.
All three resting at present.
It certainly looks better at LG at present, lets hope they can go ahead with the ringing and tagging this evening.
Lindybird: Thanks for the MWSnap info. I didn't have to do anything when I snapped the LOTL site; will try your suggestions for LG .
Well it's almost 6 p.m. UK time; if they're going to do it today - now's the time.
Unknown said: Lindybird: Thanks for the MWSnap info. I didn't have to do anything when I snapped the LOTL site; will try your suggestions for LG . Well it's almost 6 p.m. UK time; if they're going to do it today - now's the time.
Facebook site source says no ringing tonight. I refuse to get up in the middle of the night my time again tomorrow so guarantee it will happen tomorrow morning!
Do you know, it would be nice if the 'source put it on the MAIN Osprey blog It wouldn't take much more time than putting it on Facebook.
All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy. Spike Milligan
Soosin said: Do you know, it would be nice if the 'source ' has the time to put it on facebook, surely they could find the time to put it on the MAIN osprey blog.
Do you know, it would be nice if the 'source ' has the time to put it on facebook, surely they could find the time to put it on the MAIN osprey blog.
I agree !
Formerly known as Barbara Jean