Daily Update (LG Nest) Thursday 8th July

Hi,  Its been a quiet sort of day if you don't count the wind which has been ferocious sounding at times, its the mike that picks it up.

Only 3 fish delivered all day, this no doubt due to the weather. but having said that the young ospreys have been well provided for over the last few weeks so a day without much probably won't harm them and in fact lett all that fat on them dissipate a bit,  hmmmmm.

Seriously though, lets hope the weather is better today so that the ringing and tagging can take place which is scheduled for 8pm tonight.

The bairns are close together, some fidgiting going on and looking around but on the whole they are keeping their heads down with this wind.

Happy viewing everybody, see you in the morning, night, night.

  • I always use the CARNYX feed on Firefox. In fact I didn't know there was another one

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Intruder tried to land. It must be still around as EJ is still mantling.

  • That intruder flew very near the nest.  EJ not best pleased.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Good morning all and thanks for the news and wonderful pics.  Still quite windy at LG although maybe not as bad as yesterday.  Hope it is going to abate soon otherwise there might not be any chick to ring or tag.  Mighty wing flapping at times and I see it went on into the nights.  EJ is mantling at the moment so obiviously an intruder about.  I think it just tried to land on tne nest.  EJ in really angry mode and youngsters flat in the nest.  Glad to there have been 2 fish today, one from EJ nad another from Odin.  Have to admit I was really getting worried about him yesterday when he was not seen for such a long time.  Hope they managed to catch a few more fish today between them.  Off to catch on other blogs now and EJ still shrieking.


  • Morning all and thanks for all the overnight and morning reports and pics. EJ mantling and shouting at an intruder who must be nearby. 2 fish already this morning so fishing must be a bit easier today.

  • Intruder still around ... one GEM looks like its trying to help mum defend the nest

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • "Don't even think  about messing with us, sunshine!"

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Lynette D said:

    Morning, just logged on. Thanks to all for updates and pics.  I took this late last night.

    Good night time pic, Lynette:  it seems that they keep up with the wingercises, even in the dark!