Our cam was restored to us yesterday morning, albeit struggling over what Peter of Carnyx told us was the slowest broadband connection he had ever known (at LG). We are grateful, but have to be aware that the cam may lag behind events and suddenly update itself, with significant events, like a fish delivery, having been missed.
We speculated that EJ may have removed a dead chick from the nestcup. If we can get a clear view of the unhatched egg, we may get a clue.
The wet day ended mistily and it's a misty wee-small-hours now.
It's been a nice night-nest tonight:
When EJ got up for a flap her wings were "curtailed" ;-)
The return flap was OK:
The chicks have been active, making some very sweet sounds.
EJ takes a break
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
She's back
Hi again Birdie, and Mike.
Hi all, great to be back home! Many thanks for all the hard work on facebook.
Hi all, came here first to check if up & running!!
Many thanks for all your great reporting/pics/vids on this most favoured nest, I am still lurking tenaciously!
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
Great to see we're up and running
I've missed you all! Glad we are back. :-)
Tiger's Osprey News
Mary was at LG today, and has done the most beautiful video. She'll post it here later. Well worth watching :)
Thanks Moffer for the heads up on the site being back up and running.
Hello Everyone, great that the site has been sorted so quickly.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
EJ has been sitting for a while now. Come on Odin, we need another fish soon.