Our cam was restored to us yesterday morning, albeit struggling over what Peter of Carnyx told us was the slowest broadband connection he had ever known (at LG). We are grateful, but have to be aware that the cam may lag behind events and suddenly update itself, with significant events, like a fish delivery, having been missed.
We speculated that EJ may have removed a dead chick from the nestcup. If we can get a clear view of the unhatched egg, we may get a clue.
The wet day ended mistily and it's a misty wee-small-hours now.
It's been a nice night-nest tonight:
When EJ got up for a flap her wings were "curtailed" ;-)
The return flap was OK:
The chicks have been active, making some very sweet sounds.
MaryGK said: Missed it Mike lol.... Got to use Puffin browser for all the webcams on tablet, and only got LG one up at moment. Give me my PC any day lol.... Why is everyone suggesting names for the chicks, have LG asked somewhere for names for the chicks
Missed it Mike lol.... Got to use Puffin browser for all the webcams on tablet, and only got LG one up at moment. Give me my PC any day lol....
Why is everyone suggesting names for the chicks, have LG asked somewhere for names for the chicks
There was a mention recently Mary but I can't recall where.
Birdies LG DU update.
Oh I see she is on th case lol....
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Thanks Mike, I may ask today, or with second thoughts I may just skulk in a corner watching the beautiful EJ lol....
MaryGK said: Oh I see she is on the case lol....
Oh I see she is on the case lol....
No I'm not, MARY (good morning!). I've got so much else on, I don't know which way up I am :o So I decided not to do snaps.
NAMES - There was a Tweet asking for suggestions based on local (place?) names. They had a little flurry of communication yesterday, I wondered if a stick of dynamite had been inserted as a result of the activities of someone we know.
I'm not interested in suggesting any names, and I shan't like what they choose until the names become embedded in the lovely birds :-) I hated Bynack, now it's a lovely sound.
Thanks Scylla. Sounds like MC is going into melt down lol....
Nearly all the local names have been suggested already, I think the names they have picked previously have been excellent, so hopefully this year will be no different.
I am off now SYAL.
Good Morning all
Good morning on this rainy day, PATILY :-) The osplets are mimicking the rain ;-)
Good morning, all. I see Odin has been suitably Magnificent this morning and provided breakfast for his family!
EJ is looking Beautiful, as usual:
She takes a closer look at her offspring:
Yes, EJ, we can also see they're getting bigger.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Good morning, CLARE. I was just going to post your first snap... ish :-) It's not looking good, weather-wise - I wonder why she's perched like that, not quite sitting own - osplets standing tall underneath?
EJ takes a brief break