Hi everyone,
Its been an uneventful day except that EJ went fishing for the first time since the chicks came along and brought back a whopper of a fish. I believe there was a total of 8 brought to the nest but will be corrected if I am wrong.
Two of our young ospreys were preening but now only one who has got up and is still at it. The other two are asleep.
Nearly the end of June already and look how they've grown!!
Enjoy the night viewing wherever you are. Night, night.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
In the past few days the chicks have pulled out enough downy feathers to make a couple of good size pillows . At least the wind has removed it from the nest
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Still EJ plus 3 on nest. Must go. Over to day shift.
Have a good day, AQ. Glad to find that we seem to have got over the problems on the site of the last couple of days - I had to keep going back to My Page to get to anywhere without the pesky 'Server Error' notice.
Youngsters on the nest getting more vocal (hungry?) so perhaps another fish might be nice, Odin.
Can hear the wind getting up, and the young 'uns are stretching and trying their wings. EJ looking around:
Hello everyone - it was a good day on the nest yesterday. Let's see what today brings.
OG tt's a very tall tree, Cirrus - plenty of room for two. Here is a picture of them both on it in April, before the eggs arrived:
Thank you OG for info and the pic - I know you won't mind my having copied it to my folder. That was good to see.
He's on his way fans FISH 2
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Good morning all ... thanks for overnight reports. Gosh that was good timing ... just logged on to see Odin arrive with a fish ... plus an intruder .... it must be after his fish! He's stayed to defend the nest along with EJ .... feeding hasn't started yet.
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Along with the inevitable intruder