Hi everybody, what a day its been.
LG has been fairly quiet all day with comings and goings of fish deliveries, I think it was 5 in all. Those chicks are enormous now, coming up to their peak growing spurt.
At LOTL things have taken, at present, a turn for the better. I will try and post the last blog that Peter wrote::
21 June 2010 2:36 UpdateWhat a day it has been for all involved. Isn’t this bird amazing, she has now fed herself and the chicks 4 times now this evening. This is good news and yes there is a but, but she still is not 100%. Let's hope our male can get some fish into the nest early tomorrow morning so she can feed again soon. Fiona and I will be here through the night to keep an eye on her. We will keep the blog updated as usual, which reminds me to thank the guys at Red Paint for getting the blog up and running again. They do a great job for us.Peter
Thats for those of you who don't always get time to look at LOTL's blog. Hope it helps.
At present, EJ is getting some shuteye and the chicks are dozing with the occasional bit of restlessness. I think it must be midges that keep going in front of the camera.
Night, night, all back in the morning.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Annette: Good grief ! What are you doing up ? Get back to bed immediately!
Crikey, one of the chicks was right on the edge, its a wonder it didn't get blown off. All three are shouting , can they see Odin below. EJ is waiting patiently, intruder seems to have gone.
Unknown said: Very early morning all: A quick check in before I fall back asleep (she said hopefully). Can't figure out why, when I really need to be up early (say at 7) I wake up at 3:30 as if an alarm went off. Anyway, just checked LOTL and things good there - and here too, although that intruder seems to be causing EJ grief. Of course, this is such a desirable address and Odin is such a brilliant provider that we shouldn't be surprised someone else is trying to muscle in! Nice to know one of the chicks is getting the hang of taking Mom's side. OK. Back to sleep; take care all and thanks for posts and pix.
Very early morning all: A quick check in before I fall back asleep (she said hopefully). Can't figure out why, when I really need to be up early (say at 7) I wake up at 3:30 as if an alarm went off. Anyway, just checked LOTL and things good there - and here too, although that intruder seems to be causing EJ grief. Of course, this is such a desirable address and Odin is such a brilliant provider that we shouldn't be surprised someone else is trying to muscle in! Nice to know one of the chicks is getting the hang of taking Mom's side.
OK. Back to sleep; take care all and thanks for posts and pix.
That's dedicatation Annette. hope you got back to sleep.
Quietened down a bit and are preening away. Now they get going again.
Could hear the chicks bickering from the other room I was in..... have labelled this picture "hooligans!"
....EJ, of course, is ignoring them and letting them get on with their arguments.
Lynette do the chicks make you nervous standing so close the edge of the nest especially when one of then was having a good flap, was worried he/she might take off.
The wind is blowing EJ's 'hair' about a bit, making her look fierce. The chicks are very lively at present....
Youre right about that margobird - that wind is so gusty, I'm worried that it could take them off the edge!
Just a quickie of this subject. LOTL - Lady is a lot steadier on her feet, been flying, presumably for a comfort break and perhaps a drink, Laird came back with a large fish and both chicks are now being fed by mum - a great sight to see after the trauma of the weekend. OK enough of that.
The terrible three are getting up to allsorts, preening, being adventurous, calling, whilst EJ just stands their qyite calmly now after the intruder alert earlier.
EJ is being an owl, and looking right behind her - wonder if she fears that the intruder will repeat the earlier drama again. Looking all around, all the time, whilst the chicks are preening. (quieter, now)