Hi everybody, what a day its been.
LG has been fairly quiet all day with comings and goings of fish deliveries, I think it was 5 in all. Those chicks are enormous now, coming up to their peak growing spurt.
At LOTL things have taken, at present, a turn for the better. I will try and post the last blog that Peter wrote::
21 June 2010 2:36 UpdateWhat a day it has been for all involved. Isn’t this bird amazing, she has now fed herself and the chicks 4 times now this evening. This is good news and yes there is a but, but she still is not 100%. Let's hope our male can get some fish into the nest early tomorrow morning so she can feed again soon. Fiona and I will be here through the night to keep an eye on her. We will keep the blog updated as usual, which reminds me to thank the guys at Red Paint for getting the blog up and running again. They do a great job for us.Peter
Thats for those of you who don't always get time to look at LOTL's blog. Hope it helps.
At present, EJ is getting some shuteye and the chicks are dozing with the occasional bit of restlessness. I think it must be midges that keep going in front of the camera.
Night, night, all back in the morning.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Unknown said: EJ shrieking again, and mantling a bit, but whatever it was has passed. Chick in background has just moved to the back of the nest, and I can see the white stripe clearly now, so it must be titch. Is it my imagination or is EJ looking rather thin?
EJ shrieking again, and mantling a bit, but whatever it was has passed. Chick in background has just moved to the back of the nest, and I can see the white stripe clearly now, so it must be titch. Is it my imagination or is EJ looking rather thin?
I put the Chickzilla links on your home page.
Tiger Signature
Back again, not a lot been happening then. Ususal domestic scene at the moment.
The wind has got up, all three chicks at the right hand side still looking out on the world. EJ occasionally preening but looking out as well.
Hi Lynette and anyone else watching: Sunshine on the nest today - hope they don't get too hot! At least they can now flap their wings for some relief. All looking out expectantly, as Lynette says, for Dad with Fish.
EJ is shouting and mantling, the intruder must be about.
really frantic now and it just flew past the nest.
EJ is mantling and shouting........then an intruder can be seen flying to the right of the nest....
not in this pic, though.
EJ going beserk as intruder nearly lands on the nest. really going into one now plus a jet flying overhead.
Poor EJ ... that pesky intruder is back ... and very persistent ... must be sitting on the post .... she's very upset
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
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