We have had an absolutely fishin crazy day at LG. At least 9 fish were delivered by Odin during the course of the day. Its been a pleasure to watch the antics of the youngsters and alarm alerts as well.
All quiet on the nest at present, just a little fidgiting going on .EJ has her back to us, but turned round just then at the camera.
Sad news at LOTL, Lady is not well at all and we don't know what is going to happen during the night. She is an old lady and this may be her time, only time will tell.
Happy viewing to all our overseas visitors until we sleepheads join in and catch up with whats been happening during the night. Good night all.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Still waiting and all three chicks are settled with one looking around.
In and out all day, so will catch up later.
Morning All. For the first time, I looked in at LotL before coming on to the LG nest, there is a new blog there saying what the plan is for today. It a good thing that the male there is still fishing and feeding his chicks, so much hope for them.
Looked in on our nest earlier: the chicks were 3 fluffy heaps whilst EJ had a break. Glad to hear there has been fish already this morning. Here is EJ and the chicks just now:
EJ has been mooching around the nest, moving bits of moss around. Now they are all having a good preening session: its very quiet there, just birdies in the distance to be heard:
Lindybird said: Morning All. For the first time, I looked in at LotL before coming on to the LG nest, there is a new blog there saying what the plan is for today. It a good thing that the male there is still fishing and feeding his chicks, so much hope for them. Looked in on our nest earlier: the chicks were 3 fluffy heaps whilst EJ had a break. Glad to hear there has been fish already this morning. Here is EJ and the chicks just now:
Lindybird I did the same, I always look at LG first. I suspect it was the same for many of us today.
Anyway, Good Morning all and thanks to the night shift for reports and all this morning's observations. Good to see a healthy happy scene and know that our youngsters have had two feeds already.
Morning everyone. So pleased that all is well on the LG nest and the chicks are really looking like little ospreys now. Their characteristics are developing too. One of them was doing some housework and moving a bit of furniture when I looked in a little earlier. Should be another good day for Odin the Magnificent Fisherbird as the weather forecast is excellent and the wind has died down. Great to have such good quality pictures this year. Most of you will know that I follow LOTL too and am truly saddened by developments there but seeing the relaxed and successful scenes here helps lift my spirits.
Good morning all just a quick post as lots to do but admit to going to LOtl first to have a look. Sad scenes indeed. I really feel now that I want to leave us and not suffer anymore. (sorry op topic).
Better news at LG with 2 fish already and I should think they are still full from yesterday. Still catching up with the last of the weekly and daily chat but have a good day all.
One of the chicks indulging in a bit of housework ... well there's nothing else to do ... "I've scratched, preened, looked around ... and there's nothing to eat!"
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
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11.35 - Fish delivery!
Odin just bropught in another fish not sure what this one makes
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