Daily Update (LG Nest) Friday June 18,2010

Webcam still down; let's see what the morrow brings...

  • Unknown said:

    Hello vallerie, Jay Jay, Alan and all the others who have spoken to me last year and more recently.Not very good at this site and don't know where to type, so put it in here.

    Thank you to all inviting me in and supporting me on the main site yesterday and today. I am thoroughly confused as to what was wrong in me not naming the fish farm when everything kicked off. I read my blogs through and cannot see why anyone would be upset by the recent ones I have written. It is a shame that like last year several people spoil the enjoyment of others on the main site. It did upset me to read what one person had written.

    As several of you said I have in the last 3 years become even more interested in birds and am following 9 bald eagle nests in America, about 6 osprey nests in Canada and America as well as the Mull eagles and all osprey sites here and the Barn owl trust. I have become an adict of theses sites but Loch Garten is my favourite and I visted it at the end of July last year with the Mull sea eagles.

    I havn't put much on my own page about me but I live in Bournemouth, am 52 and run a Community playgroup and am also the chairperson at the community centre where the playgroup is (voluntary). I am a member of the RSPB, National Trust and English Heritage. I love nature, classical music and play the clarinet and piano and love exploring the coastal scenary around here, Britain and France. I don't drive but we have a motor-home and love exploring France, Switzerlan, Ireland and more recently Scotland.

    Hope I havn't bored anyone Whether I will be able to work out this site again, who knows.



    Jillian - I am sure that you will get lots of replies but here goes with mine! -- You are correct in saying that last year things went a bit pearshaped and I have to hold my hand up and say that I was involved to an extent in some of that. However, I don't think that I personally posted an offensive mail - at least I hope not! What matters is that the people here on the Daily update and Weekly Chat page are all great osprey fans, can be grown up enough to realise that from time to time we all get a wee bit carried away - and know what? it all settles down to a lovely sharing community which is what, i think, RSPB intended when they set up this facility. As someone before me has said, the reason why we post talk and pics is so that folk world wide can get a real feel for what has been happening on the nest while they have been sleeping/working etc. Doesn't matter what time we log on, we can catch up. Hope you enjoy these threads, daily update for nest comments, weekly chat for all our other topics -

  • HeatherB

    Here here!! .  

    Must go and watch England...  catch up later. THanks for pics etc. 

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • now 350 people in our Osprey Group, and counting....

    nice to know that so many others love ospreys, too.

  • Hard to see on the far side of the nest, but it looks as if all 3 chicks are being fed well.  They'll all sleep tonight!

  • Lindybird said:

    now 350 people in our Osprey Group, and counting....

    nice to know that so many others love ospreys, too.


    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Good evening alll just logged in to see the fabulous Odin has delivered again in my absence.  Wonder if there will be fish 8 today.  Wonderful not ot have to worry about bullying this year, there has only be a few occassions when one or other of them wants to be top dog.  Just popped out to the garden and see Odin has delivered fish 8.  He is just wonderful.  The way they are tucking you would think they have not been fed for ages.  Think it is Titch who eating at the moment but bit difficult to see although I am sure they will all have had some. 


  • Hello Jillian and also ( in advance ) Snowy. Welcome to our very friendly Forum.

    On the nest, it looks as though #2 is the only one being fed at the moment, although the other two are waiting.

  • That is the end of yet another fish.

  • I wonder if we will recognise them all tomorrow. They change so quickly!!  

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • EJ going round the nest tidying up and trying not to stand on her offspring.

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.