Daily Update (LG Nest) Friday June 18,2010

Webcam still down; let's see what the morrow brings...

  • Welcome Jillian so nice to see you have joined us all.  I live just down the road from you in Poole. Your post is certainly not boring, you obviously live a very busy and varied life.   I too have been watching all the eagles nests and other osprey cams as do many of us.  Ospreys are my favourites especially EJ Odin and their 3 beautiful chicks.    Wonderful last year too.


    Was sorry you had received some negative comments to your post but rest assured that won't happen here.  The people on this blog are just the best and even though we have never met we are all friends through our love for ospreys.


    Look forward to more posts from you.


  • Jillian - really sorry you have had what sounds like unpleasant comments, about your comments on the Main LG Blog.  This year I went back to reading the comments on the Main Blog once the "season" had started, and it wasn't long before I remembered that last season I had decided to stop reading the comments there as some were really quite "pithy" and derisive.  So to date I have not read any more of the comments there - just the new blog whenever there is one.

    I confine myself to the Daily Updates and the Weekly Chat pages, the latter of which is great, friendly, funny, informative - history lessons from all parts of the world during the winter months - really good photos and an excellent way of passing our withdrawal symptoms painlessly!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

    To all new members of the LG Osprey Group (RSPB) welcome and stay with us - you won't regret it.  

  • Sorry forgot to say thanks for all the pics.


  • Jillian - As usual, I think that I have sent a message which could be misconstrued!! When I said we can all get carried away, I certainly wasn't meaning that on Community blogs we  insult each other!! I just meant, we get carried away with emotion sometimes when watching the osprey family !!!!!!!! 

  • Going to say goodnight all now.  OH out doing the weekly shop and it is my job to put it away.  Amother wonderful day of osprey watching and full of pride for Odin.  Looking forward to tomorrow and I do hope that wind at LG calms down a bit.


  • I was gone most of today. THANKS to all for the updates and pictures

    Wow  8 fish so far today. With about 3  hours left of daylight Odin just may tie his record.  

    Those chick don't know how lucky they are to have Odin for their father and EJ for their mother.

    I would love to know if Odin had a father who was such an outstanding provider . 

    The female chicks will probably place high demands on their future mates. Will the male be a provider like Odin? I think Titch is a male 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Heather B said:

    Jillian - As usual, I think that I have sent a message which could be misconstrued!! When I said we can all get carried away, I certainly wasn't meaning that on Community blogs we  insult each other!! I just meant, we get carried away with emotion sometimes when watching the osprey family !!!!!!!! 

    Heather I know exactly what you mean

    I  get carried away! With local friends I refer to them as if they are my family LOL 

    I recognize each new skill they learn or each new tail feather to peek out .

    I and others count each fish the receive and did all get enough to eat 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Hi Barbara Jean it has been a great day for fish, who knows there might just be another tonight.


  • Hallo all. Welcome Jillian!  Nice to see you.  :-)  Back to catch up later.

  • What can I say, but "Odin the Magnificent!"

    And welcome Jillian and others who have recently joined the forum on the daily thread and the weekly thread.  I'm now going across to weekly to answer some of the posts there.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!