Daily Update (LG Nest) Wednesday 16th June

  • Tish said:

     Have just been watching lately as so busy and once on the comp can't get off.   Loving the family but.....Please somebody tell me that they wish the chicks didn't have to be tagged  There must surely be enough statistics without all these ospreys flying about with transmitors on their backs every year. Beautiful birds with aerials!!  I'll probably get shot down in flames now but that's my thoughts.

    Tish - good to see you! The great thing about this site is that we can all share our thoughts and feelings. (Sorry, sounds like psychobabble - not meant to!!) I agree with you when you wonder about the tagging but Barbara Jean's post makes me feel a whole lot more OK with it.

  • Brenda H - perhaps the nest is so crowded now she feels better there ... and it must be easier on her feet to stand on a stick like that, than flat on the nest!

    Great to see you posting tish - everyone is entitled to express their opinion, and no-one should shoot you down in flames!! I can see the sense in both sides of the argument ... so will leave it to the people at LG to decide!

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • ... and it's a great vantage point to search for Odin!

  • Sandy - I hadn't thought of that :-))

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • tish I also respect your view and have felt as you do. But as I said  without a way to attract people's interest who will realize they need to fight for them. 

    Today because of interest in them people have fought to ban egg stealing  in most countries.

    The Sturgeon Farm where Rothes stayed on her migration was contacted  and they said they would watch out for her.  In the future because of Rothes and her tag other Osprey may stay there in safety.  

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Is that chick 1 or 2 shouting for food?

  • Evening everyone.  I've been watching but not posting lately, however couldn't help noticing that there is a chick with big feet making a lot of noise calling for daddy.  Like mother like daughter?

  • Heather: it's #3 making that racket.

  • Unknown said:

    Heather: it's #3 making that racket.

    Really???!!!  Titch? Ha Ha. Not so titch after all, and I think that fits in with this afternoons posts, doesn't it?