Hi everyone.Well what a day we had on the 15th. Foogy start, six fish, and endless other dramas. Sound fairly windy at LG at the moment. I guess those chicks are learning about a Scottish "summer" at as early an age as possible. LOLPaul.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Oops sorry about the typo. Meant to say: "Foggy start to the day.Anyway here's hoping Odin has good visible conditions tommorrow.
Please tell me I'm wrong in thinking somethings happened to one of the chicks. I read an update earlier that mentioned only two chicks. Gulp!
Alarm off - corrected update mentions 3 chicks - phew!
Hi Balderdash.Sometimes only two chicks, or even only one will be mentioned if only they're invloved in an incident. So as far as I'm aware, all three chicks are thriving at Loch Garten. Paul
Unknown said: Alarm off - corrected update mentions 3 chicks - phew!
My reply to your "only two chicks" post was being typed as your "Alarm off" post was being posted. Appologies if my previous reply seems a bit patronising.
That's some pretty hefty wind at the moment. Don't know how EJ and the chicks will managed to get any sleep with all that noise.
Unknown said: Please tell me I'm wrong in thinking somethings happened to one of the chicks. I read an update earlier that mentioned only two chicks. Gulp!
All three chicks are fine!!
It may have been one of my post that alarmed you. I said when Chicks # 1 & 2 sit side by side I can see Chick #2 looks a bit larger and therefore maybe a female. Females are larger
Chick # 1 looks a bit smaller compared to chick #2 even though #1 was hatched first and should be larger.
Titch is usually between the two older chicks so the comparison is not easy
I didn't mention Titch ( chick #3) because we can all identify that little rascal
Sorry ! Hope this clears up the confusion
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
The late evening meal seemed to settle down the chicks . It looks like EJ is getting a good night's sleep. She has her beak on her back
EDIT I spoke too soon. Both chick #1 and Titch are wide awake and EJ is trying to sleep. Still has her beak on her back
Just heard the first couple of notes of the LG dawn chorus. Those of course coming from the "Aye well ye don't get a 'snooze' button on a fire alarm, do you?" department.
Ah brilliant! Sounds like LG blackbirds have decided to join in with my local blackbirds for an early morning simal-cast. :-)