Morning everyone and welcome to a new week! Last week's Weekly Chat ended with some interesting entries and very interesting links (wonderful pix of swan giving cygnets a ride, courtesy of Lindybird, and, thanks very much Alan; another perspective on those oil-covered pelicans - good news too!). OG: Not rushing and dashing; kids are here and headed to bed early for ultra-early departure. Margobird: Thanks for update on Hope and Lily.
Gather USA/England draw was result of bungle by England goalkeeper?
Well, that's Friday nearly over. Home from archives for my osprey fix. Oh no, no webcam, On bus this morn I sat next to a young woman ho first put her hair up in a bunch, then used her deodorant (!!!) and finally put on her "face". Later I took a peek and saw she had a tattoo behind her ear. Owwwwwwch!!!!!!
OG - I was a good girl & rang my dentist but asked for an August appointment - no point rushing these things, especially as he usually so busy it takes 6 weeks any way!
BrendaH - Don't be too hasty getting back on your feet - make the most of being fussed over.
Lindybird - If I drooled over the cake display, I would surely put on weight. I gain weight when Himself has supper . . .
Hi folks. I am not online often, so it was lovely catching up with the blog this morning.
I am getting really excited - Loraine and I are volunteering for a week at LG from the 25th! It will be lovely helping out, being in the forward hide and just being involved. When I come back I'll try and get online and let you all know what it was like.
Jeanette Lucky you! Hope you enjoy your time at LG. Do come on line whwen you come back and make us all jealous.
Morning, All: Cloudy but dry here, warm temps. expected later.
Liked the sound of those ultra fresh carrots, OG! yum. We have had a couple of meals from our new potato crop already, they melted in the mouth with butter on them (I know, I know, the butter part is fattening, but you really can't eat the 1st ones of the year without!)
Thanks Annette - I had a better night, it was just one of those things, I do sleep well normally these days.
It was really hot in the garden yesterday afternoon, so we sat on loungers and admired the newly opening flowers, together with the trimming/weeding/planting still needing doing, so all hands to the trowel & secatuers today.
Here is pic of another flower:
--- Hope Margobird gets on OK having those stitches out at the Drs. this morning. And that the webcam is back soon!!
EDIT: Welcome to Jeanette, & we are really jealous ;-) of your visit to LG: please do tell us all about it when you come back!
..... have now noticed the green weeds around my flower - please ignore, as they are being pulled up today, I promise!
HeatherB - I have at last put the recipe o your page. Enjoy.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Good morning all, newbie here!
Thanks for inviting me to join
Below is one of the 4 woodpeckers that visit our small garden
So, watching EJ, Odin and family and visiting birds to the garden takes up much of my time!
Welcome Paula and Jeanette to this wonderful blog where all of us are friends even though we have never met. Lovely pic of the woodpecker you are so lucky to have 4 woodpeckers visiting your garden. In 4 years I have only ever seen one in my garden.
I know i have probably missed other new bloggers but welcome all and enjoy.
Morning all
Welcome paula - fabulous photo of your woodpecker ... lucky you to have them in your garden ... I get excited when I get a goldfinch!
Had a lovely lunch with my friend yesterday ... but I'm afraid I gave in and sampled the carvery .... no roast potatoes though and plenty of veggies! Even worse ... I had raspberry pavlova to follow. The diet starts again today :-( We also caught up on 18 months of gossip!
Hi Jeanette - how wonderful to be a volunteer at LG - I look forward to hearing about it.
Lindybird - lovely pic of your poppy ... never noticed the weeds until you mentined them :-)
Margobird - glad the stitches are out
Thanks to all for chat etc
Take care
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Good morning Lindybird much better now stitches are out. Lovely pic too.
Went base over apex in the garden last night and my fault again. Leave the hose out as the bird baths need refilling constantly during the day so tripped over that. OH was not amused as he said he could see that coming, so have reeled it up again so I don't do the same again. Fell on my backside on the patio so that's another bruise but I think it is my pride that is most damaged.
Phoned LG earlier to see how I go about volunteering next year and they told me to ring HO in Sandy and also gave me the names of 2 people who would be able to help which they have done. I don't have a printer so OH is going to run the form off for me and I will fill in over the weekend and get it in the post. They told me that they already had applications for LG next year but they don't take any decisions until November 1 so I will be on tenterhooks until then. Must say how nice they are at LG and at Sandy in Bedfordshire. They have been watching our wonderful family too. So as November draws nearer I want everyone to keep their fingers crossed for me.
Jeaneete and Loraine have a great time at LG. Hoping to do the same myself net year.