Weekly Chat, Sunday June 13, 2010

Morning everyone and welcome to a new week!  Last week's Weekly Chat ended with some interesting entries and very interesting links (wonderful pix of swan giving cygnets a ride, courtesy of Lindybird, and, thanks very much Alan; another perspective on those oil-covered pelicans - good news too!).  OG: Not rushing and dashing; kids are here and headed to bed early for ultra-early departure. Margobird: Thanks for update on Hope and Lily.

Gather USA/England draw was result of bungle by England goalkeeper?

  • margobird:   Sorry if I spoiled your viewing, if youre going to watch it later.  Yes, the male is doing a good job apparently so all should be well.  Goodnight, have a good night and hope you can get those stitches out on Friday as planned so can feel back to normal again.

  • ‘evening all.  Still very warm – dare I say hot – here.  Did some tidying in front garden this afternoon while OH scarified the grass again.  Been feeding tomato, courgette and runner bean plants this evening.  And just spent ages reading through the daily update as well as this one.

    BrendaH – sorry about the painful foot and ankle – maybe a sprain?  As Annette says, certainly not a condition for ironing!

    Annette – my pile of two has become a pile of eight – ironing really does grow!  And why is it always bad when the cleaner is coning so I have to find somewhere to hide it?

    Patriciat – my puffiness comes from inflammation, so it actually disperses with the steroid! These are “depot” injections, a kind of slow release thing.  Supposed to be every 3-4 months – last letter from hospital suggested 2-3 but that would increase the various possible risks, so I try to manage 4 months, but this time for various delaying reasons it was 5 and I really knew it!

    Diane – upside down and inside out thinking on whale protection!  Also quite appalled at the alleged bribery for the vote.

    Lindybird – thanks for letting us know this important next stage in Sweetpea’s development – lovely that your son wants to share it with you, too.

    BigRig Steve fans – he has said that leaving TK in San Antonio was at least partly to do with allergies – and has promised to write a full piece on it later.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Diane: I signed that petition; thanks. Hard to believe current administration would go for that.  Let's see what happens.  Australia has sued Japan over their "scientific" slaughter of whales. Hurray for Australia!

    Hallo everyone else. Sounds like most have had a sort of reasonable day, puffiness and sore feet and bothersome stitches aside! Take care out there.

  • Djoan S Yes, the insert came with it and fits nicely into the base.  Unfortunately, the bottom section of the pole has a spade-shaped end, so doesn't slide down inside the connector.  I can't see any othe way of putting it together!

  • Rain! It started last eve and we woke this morn to more. Wonderful. It's going to be a blustery day - gale warnings. Quite windy yesterday. Last week one of our main roads lined with plane trees was covered in leaves. Yesterday it was swept clear. LOL. I planned an outing to a library (a borrowing one as my books are due back). I'm trying to think of other tasks to do while I am out to make the drive worthwhile. And I could ring the dentist my my long-neglected check-up. Can't do it now when I think of it as it is too early. By 9 am I shall have forgotten - again

    Djoan - Your mention of a submarine in the bath reminded me of when I was learning to swim as an adult. My side-stroke was fine but I just went down gradually, down like a submarine!!!!!

    Lindybird - Posting too much? No way, never. Keep up the chatter, pics, etc. Love the poppies.

    Report today that sperm whales are helping global warming. Their rich poo feeds phytoplankton which remove CO2. Yeay for whales.

  • Evening all:  Lindybird: Wait 'til your d-in-law gets to the stage where she rests her cup of  tea on her bump and the baby kicks!  patriciat: Hope you get that bird feeder sorted out.  :-(    AQ:  Enjoy your rain - isn't it nice after a long dry spell?

    Talking of "olden days" guess what's on Turner Classic this evening: 10 Rillington Place - remember? The Christie murders?  And on that cheerful note, I'm off to Daily Update page.

  • Back from book borrowing expedition. Success, lots of books plus, 2 more Sue Grafton's. Thank you, Annette, for pointing me in her direction. Only need C and I and the latest U to complete the set. Too bad I read faster than authors write!! At least books arrive here as soon as published o/seas - unlike TV programs (watched a 2008 prog t'other night).

  • Hi, all. Major cleaning mission in progress.

    Lindybird: I always enjoy your posts. Don't worry 'bout posting too much. You're important!!! So wonderful that the baby is kicking already! What a good dog Buzz is to stand still while you clean his feet!     AQ: Yay! Books! I love libraries.     HeatherB: We had that same childhood ditty here!     Brenda H: Take care of your foot and ankle. Stay off of it as much as you can. So sorry you fell.     Annette: I've also wondered how those small upper branches could support those big great blue herons.    

    OG: Glad you got your injection. I loved the caterpillar. We have similar furry critters here, and we call them Wooly Worms or Wooly Bears (it's actually the larvae of the Isabella Tiger Moth). Folklore is that we can predict the severity of the coming winter by the colors of the Woolly Worms. A woolly worm's body has 13 segments or bands; each of these bands corresponds to a week in winter. If a band is reddish brown, that week will be mild. If a band is black, that week will be harsh and cold. They are 85% accurate, according to the lore.

    Everyone have a nice Thursday.

  • AQ: My problem too!  Though Alexander McCall Smith churns them out pretty fast.

  • Day People: Just a heads up: I can watch the LG webcam on Real Player, streaming from Carnyx. But I can't watch the LG webcam site. It's a mass of psychedelic stripes. Maybe just my system. Night people: No need to reply to this post; I'm going to finish cleaning and head for bed. :-) 

    P.S. I sure wish EJ would put that flapping, suffering fish out of its misery before it knocks Titch out of the nest. Yikes!