Weekly Chat (non-osprey) - Sunday 22nd May 2016

Such is the chaos the Ying Tong cyber attack has caused that I only just noticed there was no new Weekly Chat!  I don't know how much opportunity we'll get to post on this new thread but at least we can all curse the perpetrators en masse!

Happy New Week!

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • OG- hoping that your steroids work as quickly as possible, don't like to think of you being bored, not like you at all!

    AQ- what a bummer, missing your trips, but at least your knee will be fixed, and sooner rather than later. I'm impressed by how quickly it is happening. I remember when your other knee was 'done'.

    LINDY- you must indeed have been surprised to receive an update from your brother. A nice surprise, though?

    ANNETTE- a glut of oranges is something I can only dream of! Having said that, can see why you would have to give them to good homes, not a lot to be done with them apart from eating and juicing?
  • Annette - 4 miles away when on holiday, going up and down the same road, gets a bit wearing, still I did take most provisions with me so perhaps it wasn't all that bad.

    Brenda - glad it wasn't me then, small standing on one of the metal stools to look through scope and having to crouch a little as too tall with stool and can't see a dickie bird as I couldn't reach the scope standing on terra firma.   Nevertheless its a lovely aspect there overlooking the lake and on in the background, Snowdon.

    Diane - what a beautiful looking snake.   Hope you managed to cut your hayfield!!!

    So pleased to hear that Margo is feeling a little better and enjoying herself.

  • AQ, sorry to hear about your knee problem but once you get the replacement you should be up and "running" in about 6/8weeks. At least you will be up the next day and they will get you walking straight away - it was with me - and it pays off. Home after 2 days. Wishing you all the best and that the problems will sort themselves out. You will get the hang of Windows 10, its not too complicated. You should be able to do most things that you did on your previous Windows programme its just set out a little differently.

    OH now has dressing off, just has to lubricate it with vaseline to help the scab come away.  Doesn't have to see the nurse till a week next Monday. Not been to the gym for 2 weeks but hope to get into the swing of things next week.

  • OG - hope hand will soon be OK. Take care and rest as told.

    Have a lovely weekend all.

  • Diane – Your healing thoughts must be working – my knee is feeling a little better today. Or is it that I can rest all day with no medical appts until next Thurs (chat with anaesthetist).


    Annette – Last knee op was in April, in August I went on a 2-day bus trip but kept walking to minimum as knee wasn’t quite strong. This time, though, I am not as fit and not able to do as many pre-op exercises. Last time I had nearly 4 months to prepare. I’m not counting on being really mobile until Xmas.


    Heather – The fact that I can’t put any weight on left leg probably required an asap op. Yes, I too can remember the last op – all the nasty bits, esp my reaction to Endone. Surgeon reassures me they have new ways of beating pain.


    Lynette – I go to hosp at noon, op at 2 pm. Usual stay here is 4-5 days. Last time I was not only expected to get out of bed, but also draw my window curtains myself!!


    OG – Sorry you are poorly. Shall we be bored together?


    Margo {{{HUGS}}}

  • Heather:  If I were inclined, I'd make marmalade out of the oranges, but we already get really lovely Seville marmalade from Trader Joe's and I doubt I could make it as good and eat it all in a year.

    Lynette: I can imagine getting home after an 8-mile round trip and then realizing you'd forgotten the milk - or worse, the wine - would be more than exasperating.  Hope you do manage to make it to the gym - it's so hard once you get out of the routine.

    AQ: Well, NZ isn't going anywhere, but do look into making that trip later.

    Had lovely day out with friend. A pretty drive through the hills behind Santa Barbara, then a salad on the patio at Suzanne's - an old house laden with vines and flowers - and from there to Bart's Books, a rambling open air bookstore with shelves on the outside of the building so someone who finds him/herself with nothing to read at 9 p.m. can putter over, pick up something and shove their 35 cents under the gate. The store is a real maze and is organized around several patios with chairs and umbrellas so you can spend hours browsing... Here are some pix

  • Must say l'm nerious of this weekend with the attackers, lets hope rspb do have it all under control, will soon find out, but have still gone on with my own posts and enjoying others, and the great sunshine we are having, which brings out the wildlife more, had a blackbird sun bathing yesterday, and so many damselflies can't remember seeing them go so made for there mating at onice, but probly cause now the nettings taken off, going natural. Yas

  • Good Morning, All.

    Sunny and bright here, and as I write with my cuppa beside me, I can see my OH sitting outside with his Sudoku book!!

    Love that unusual bookstore, Annette!! Heaven!!

    AQ - Good that you feel a little better, and are being fastracked for the knee op.

  • Doing fine - still being very careful with hand as there is a needle bruise which is restricting it.  Out at church meeting this afternoon, and then dinner tonight.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Glad it's doing OK, OG. Be careful with it!!  Enjoy tonight's dinner.

    We are just off for a beachside walk and a fish & chip supper. Yum!