Weekly Chat (non-osprey) - Sunday 22nd May 2016

Such is the chaos the Ying Tong cyber attack has caused that I only just noticed there was no new Weekly Chat!  I don't know how much opportunity we'll get to post on this new thread but at least we can all curse the perpetrators en masse!

Happy New Week!

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Annette and anyone interested in space:

    TODAY: SpaceX will launch a Falcon 9 rocket carrying a commercial communications satellite. Launch is scheduled for 10:40 pm in the U.K., 5:40 pm in eastern U.S., and 2:40 pm in California . Watch the launch here if interested.
  • DIANE- Thanks for the link. I'm glad that the snake isn't venomous! Still don't like slithery things,though. OH just calls me a 'townie' and has given up - almost- trying to teach me about the countryside and its inhabitants:-(

  • Good Morning!   Gosh, lots written on here! ~  back in a while!

  • Heather: I was a city woman when I moved back here. I was terrified of wasps, and would run yelling if one got close to me. I've come a long way. Last week, I put on leather gloves and gently removed one red wasp nest from the door well of my car, one red wasp nest from on top of the gas cap, and one black wasp nest from inside of my trunk/boot. Each nest had 3 or 4 live wasps. I relocated each nest to the woods. It was cold then, so the wasps weren't very active. LOL

  • A few words.  Two steroid injections.  Resting right hand.  Bored!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Oh dear, OG.  So sorry you're incapacitated:  the worst thing for you, who likes to be busy.  Do hope that it eases soon and you can get back to normal. Is it painful now or are you on painkillers?

    Enjoyed reading all of the above, but am busy trying to sort out my untidy house and stuff things into bags as we go away at lunchtime, right after the appointment at the Vets for her to be signed off. Must say we are relieved that the spaying went without a hitch, and our wonderful lady Vet has done a great job. My Oh has gone very quiet on the subject of what we are going to do next, but I'm just hoping that we can have a relaxing weekend and worry about the future, at a future date!

  • Am still reeling from the fact that we actually received an email from my errant older brother, yesterday.  (for those who don't know, he lives in Jo'burgh, S. Africa) He attached photos of his new grandchild, so here is one of my new Great Nephew:

    Argh - its one of those zip things..... no idea how to open it!  why can't these things be easy!

    BTW -  I have always ignored all the pleas to have us upgrade to Windows 10, as it sounds dreadful: we have a friend who upgraded by accident, and then had such a terrible time with it they had to pay a man to come and remove it and restore them to the previous!!

  • Morning all: Speaking of snakes, did anyone see that story of the gentleman in Thailand who had an up-close-and-waaaaay-too-personal encounter with a python while answering the call of nature?  Not sure whether it's a  :-) story or a :-( one!  It makes Diane's daring encounter with wasps sound like a picnic in the park!

    Diane: Good you caught the nests in what sounds like their early stages. Will miss the live launch, but will check it out later.

    OG: Hope the steroid shots will kick in quickly so you can get back into action.

    Lindybird:  I've had no problems with Windows 10 other than exasperation at its insistence on being installed without my okay.

    Off to hose down and then to pick up friend. Our oranges, which were so horrible last year what with the drought and heat that I didn't really get around to harvesting them have all of a sudden turned luscious and sweet. No idea how that happened. Anyway, have been delivering bags of them to orange-less neighbors and the Food Bank. And that's not even a quarter of the ones I can reach just walking around - there are hundreds still on the tree.... Eeek.

  • Lindy: Double-click your mouse on that .zip file with the photos. It should open and display its contents.


    Right-click your mouse on the file. It will show you a menu. Click on "Extract All" from the menu. It will open the file and ask you where you want to store the pictures on your machine.

    Glad your brother contacted you.

  • We got here ok this afternoon.  A good journey, in spite of coming across a 3 car crunch which must have just happened. No police evident. All occupants on the grass verge and most of them on the phone.

    Soon settled in and have been chatting to neighbours.

    Will try your solution when I get back home, Diane - not got the same email access on here, where the photo is. Thanks!