EJ is having a funny moment. Chicks tucked under her.
Happy watching, back in the morning.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
The plop, plop plon on the mike indicates rain. EJ is trying to make sure the chicks are all underneath her and sheltered from the rain. Good luck girl, you can do it.
Oh dear. The rain has finally arrived. Its absolutely pouring. Poor EJ. She is trying her best to shelter the chicks but they want to splash in the puddles. Whats a mum to do?
If anyone can do it, EJ can, Emma. Hurrah for EJ hope she manages it.
Night, night, all back in the morning. Enjoy your viewing of our wonderful mum and dad.
These chicks are wriggling like snakes beneath EJ. Every so often a head or a wing stretches out from beneath her. Doesn't look like a comfortable night in prospect but its been a hot day and the air will feel fresher after the rainfall. Gary are you around? I know its Saturday night but where are all the folks from other shores to keep watch overnight?
Rain is still falling. I was going to say that it had eased a bit, but seems to have picked up again in the past couple of minutes. EJ has settled herself down and the chicks seem to be at peace so I'm signing off now and look forward to reading the updates in the morning.
EJ dozing on nest. Thanks to all for reports & pics this past week - I haven't had time to watch live and I am really grateful to you.
Unknown said: I know its Saturday night but where are all the folks from other shores to keep watch overnight?
I know its Saturday night but where are all the folks from other shores to keep watch overnight?
Emma, we have so many post notifications to plow through when we come on in the mornings that we don't notice what time it is on the other side of the world, so don't go to check for new threads. We have to click on the thread to get notifications from it, so we don't realise a new thread has been started. That's the reason Annette was notifying us in the old thread that she was starting a new one. Never mind, we all drift in eventually! LOL!!
Hi AQ! See, here's another one now! LOL! I thought you must have been busy. I'm just starting to emerge from my preparations for our Camera Club's annual Exhibition to be held over the coming long weekend.
Smiles, Jan.
Thanks AQ and Wattle15
Emma, I;m here on and off but not at home so can't be relied upon! lol
EJ looks as aslep as she can be with 3 little ones wriggling under her all the time.
EJ off for a comfort break and back quickly, trying to re-settle over the chicks, who are stirring.
And we have colour and all is well on the nest.