EJ looking at the camera at the moment, watching what I think is a feather stuck on the lens? Just turned round and is just resting as best she can.
Happy watching to all the earlybirds.
Night, night, back in the morning.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Ahhh ... Odin flew in with a fish, but EJ wasn't there ... he looked as if he was going to start feeding, but then EJ returned and took the fish off him! All three chicks up and ready to feed ... how can they have any more room inside their tummies? :-))
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Now all three are tucking in.
Wrong blog sorry but just to let all know LOtL cam up and running again. Lady feeding the chicks while the Laird watches.
Um. That was supposed to be welcoming committee (you can tell it was first blog of the day; still asleep here). Morning all and thanks for comments and pix!
Hi Annette have a coffee that will get you going. Posted on daily and weekly chat the latest news on Hope and it is good news.
EJ looking so contented sitting there with her beautiful chicks, obviously trying to keep them cool by spreading her wings a bit. What a lovely picture.
Doesn't it look a scene of domestic bliss. EJ proud of her brood but always watchful.
Surely not EJ is feeding them again from a bit of fish that was left from the last meal. Titch up first and making sure he/she gets fed.
Another feed off the existing fish. Both #1 and #2 have developed a Rothes style golden nape:
Three not so little ospreys all in a row. All very civilised (guess who's in the middle?):