Daily Update (LG Nest) Friday 4th June

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  • Short clip of EJ hanging out in the early morning, 3.50am ish
    As I post this, about 4am, she is calling Odin.

  • EJ up, stretching, and serving an early morning breakfast to chicks!

    Hey Gary!  You're up late.

  • early morning breakfast from Odin, 4.15am

  • Hi Annette.:)

    I'm in your time Zone, in Washington State for a few days. My better half still on the trail of another horse!

    Lovely view of the feeding. I could get used to watching in this lovely early morning light:)

  • Well, they're all lined up nicely. #1 gets first dibs, then #2, then Titch - after #1 toppled over on top of 2!  Now Titch is right up front and stuffing him/herself with #2 close behind. Both are eating - #1 seems to have fallen asleep.

  • EJ was calling Odin for breakfast . Then she realized she had a left over fish on the nest. The chicks are eating left overs until Odin delivers a fresh fish . All are getting their share

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Wow Gary. That's a long way for a horse!  You going to ride it back to Connecticut?  My daughter just sold her Belgian horse to a wrangler at a guest ranch up the road - a nice home in difficult times.

    Morning Barbara Jean!  Good grief - looks like Titch has fallen asleep under #2 and #1 is back for seconds. Oops. Looks like EJ almost tripped over f#1.   A nice morning at LG.

  • Gary: Where are you in Washington state?

  • Oh - Odin arrived. Missed that. He's sitting looking around - "What? No chicks to feed? Where did they all go and where's that leftover fish I was planning to snack on?!"  EJ is sitting looking innocent....  "Moi? I wouldn't know...."

  • Morning Barbara Jean. I was wrong, Odin hadn't brought in a fish, as you say, the meal was from a previous fish.

    Annette, in a place called Everett, about 25 miles north of Seattle. Tomorrow go down to Giggs (sic) harbour for a couple of days.

    Odin on the nest now. What a magical time of day there.

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