All peaceful at LG just now.Paul.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Amazing how quickly the light level increases at LG.
Well folks, Radio Cukoo is keeping EJ and the chicks entertained. I think I'll go and try and get some sleep. Catch you all later. :-)Paul.
Hey Heron: Thanks for starting the thread!
EJ just went off for a quick (I'm assuming) bio break. Chicks sat up, flopped about - they look so quizzical and comical with their wobbly necks. Ooooh. One has climbed over his siblings to take a peek at the outside world; now has flopped down again. I can see EJ flying in the background and here she is again. All under control! Those are wriggly little chicks though - all going in different directions as she's trying to settle!
EJ rearranging furniture from her sitting position. That's a multi-tasking female for you!
And we have color!
Oh my. EJ is sitting quietly but chicks are awake and squirming about; every now and then you can see a little head poke out and look around.
A bejeweled EJ in the morning sun. She's struggling to cover the chicks. They are growing so fast.
Hey Diane: Yes, she seems to have her wings permanently half-open trying to keep them all corralled. Well, not exactly half-open, but you know what I mean...
That can't be comfortable. Makes my back hurt watching her. :-) Glad they're all thriving!
All quiet still, except for EJ fidgeting. No sign of Odin yet...