Daily Update (LG Diary) Saturday May 29th

Night vision is a lot clearer but only just visible. You can make out EJ on the nest.

Happy viewing to you all from lands afar - keep us posted for later.

Having said that, EJ seems to be catching up on her sleep. Chicks have stopped chunnering so maybe she can get a bit of kip.

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  • Hi Lynette lovely to have a live picture again quite a nice surprise.Afraid the chicks have been chunnering again and EJ has been wriggling about on the nest quite a bit.

    Hopefully things will quieten down a bit so I'm off for some shuteye



  • Hi.

    Thanks for starting the new thread Lynette.

    The chicks tend to make a fair bit of noise through the night Jay Jay.  It's great to have the live picture again.

    It's amazing how the darkness of a Loch Garten night with EJ and her brood in the middle of the picture makes such a great contrast.  I think someone will have to get those chicks a night-light. :-)


    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • morning Paul. You;re a late one:)

    I just posted on yesterday's thread that iagree with everyone, the night picture is somuch better.

    EJ seems to be dozing rather than fast asleep at the moment:)

    Catch everyone tomorrow/later today.

  • Hi Gary.

    Not really sure if EJ will manage to get a deep sleep at this time of the year.  The wee ones certainly keep her busy, so it's probably helpful that Odin does all the fishing duties during the brooding period.  And as I look back at the web cam picture, EJ is getting a bit of shuteye. :-)

    Catch you later.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Hi Paul. All true.

    Well, sad to say, the webcam isn't showing for me at the moment. Hope it's a temporary glitch.


  • Help, panic etc.  Looks like those blasted gremlins are fighting back.  The web cam's stopped working. :-(

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Geez Louise. Well, for the minute or so I managed to see anything it was nice, but now it's down again. From what I did see though, looked like that very bright light got turned off during the fix.

  • Hi Annette.

    The night images are great now.  Sadly those gremlins seem to have fired one past our goalie.  Unmentionables!  Either that or EJ has decided to turn off the camera so she doesn't frighten us humans when she has a wee word with the gremlins.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Hey Heron:  Wouldn't like to be on the receiving end of a "wee" word from an exasperated EJ.

  • Well, I've tried refreshing the page a few times.  Then I've tried logging off my browser.  Evetually I tried restarting the laptop.  Still no picture.  I guess EJ is having a long "meeting" with the gremlins.  Don't want to be too graphic but all I can say about her dealings with the technological gremlins is this:  Female Ospreys are big birds of prey, with very sharp talons.  I hope the gremlins remembered to put on clean underwear this morning.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

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