Well, we live in hopes, Maybe the cam will leap into life?
Morning, All. Dismayed to find the webcam still off. The stills cam works from early morning until 7.00 pm, displaying as someone has said, GMT at the top - also, the time displayed is a few minutes slow for some reason, but the camera itself does take 'live' pics every 1 minute or so, so they are 'live' pictures.
That's lovely, Sandy: good idea, we can keep putting pics up for a running commentary!
She is so beautiful in the mornings:
Good morning All. I didn't expect to see the live camera working this morning. Maybe David will try his method of taking the plug in and out again and see if it works again, before the expert arrives.
What a good idea, BrendaH. It seems to work with most of these technical thingys. Just wish I could use that method with people, sometimes.....
Wasn't there talk of a new camera which would be installed after the electricity, or is this it? - or is it the camera they switch to later in the season ?
Now Odin has appeared in the picture:
there has been a fish delivery!
Great pics Sandy: at least we can keep up with what's going on, on the nest for now.