Weekly Chat, Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hi all. Just starting this 'coz going out to birthday dinner with OH tonight (Indian - his choice). Back to catch up with last week's final posts later, (which included a great photo from OG's trip).

  • Nice pic of the cow Lindybird. They dont like dogs much though I do agree. Just had a nice walk with Hamish and saw a Red Kite floating effortlessly above the village before moving off to the west.

  • Alan, that is one bird I would love to be able to see from our own area. Only usually see Red Kite, when on the M40. 

  • BLOG from Richard confirming computer problems and they are working on it.

  • Morning all:  Woke up at 5:30 - a new habit - ugh. By 8 a.m. I'm ready to go back to sleep but today we have tree dude coming at 9 so must try to stay awake and sound intelligent (always a challenge).

    OG: OMG, that's awful about Lily and Hope. Just read the update and it doesn't look good, does it?   :-(   Meerkats are small critters but seem to have big attitude!! :-)

    Alan: That seems like a big beak on such a small bird.  Lovely shot.   Went for walk at Lake Los Carneros yesterday and watched a White-Tailed Kite hovering - interesting adaption there; wonder at what point that ability evolved.

    Lindybird:  I've noticed cows are not easily impressed.  :-)

    Off to organize the world.

  • Diane: Trucker Steve is in Indiana, just west of New Albany, looks like he'll be heading through Hoosier National Forest. Anywhere near your neck of the woods?

  • Cooler start, 14°C, but now really hot afternoon.  Been busy indoors, so now a rest before going outside to transfer more peppers and aubergines to large pots– may have to do the job on my outside bench, as it must be melting in the greenhouse!  Heron – will be going to Milngavie this weekend – starting hol there to have a look at Mugdock Park ands Kirkintilloch Marina!  Annette – volunteering at Rescue Center sounds ideal for you with Whale Count over – but just don’t overload yourself, remember Rose Garden season has started!  Pleased the dentist had a simple solution which seems to be working.  Diane – glad the Goose made your Dad laugh – it sounds like he doesn’t have a lot to laugh about these days.  Margobird – feeders very busy here today – and the birds have found the water feature again – they like to have a shower as well as a bath in the summer.  Had to laugh at the baby dropping his dummy in the font!!  Alan – great pic of Welsh Greenfinch.  Wish we lived a bit nearer the Galloway Red Kites, but their territory does seem to be gradually widening, so they may arrive here some day – really enjoyed seeing them on the black Isle, but their population is not growing as expected.  Lindybird – nice cow with two black eye patches!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • thanks everyone for the pics. ANNETTE don't you just love the red squirrels tufted ears. OG  we go down the A9 tmorrow, thanks for your good wishes. Loved the meerkat, there is a chainsaw carver on the Black Isle who will work to commission. We have an owl and eagle and recently saw a meerkat he had done so we are thinking about adding one to our growing menagerie in the back garden. We recently got a super hare, who is taking pride of place at the moment.

  • dibnlib Have a safe journey.  Diane, I, too, was wondering if Steve was in your neck of the woods.  The area he's travelling through looks very pretty, not at all how I imagined Indiana (thought it would be all wheat fields!)

  • JUst had to c0ome on and tell you thatmy sister found an old book for me called  "The Scottish Ospreys"  by Philip brown.  As yet I have only flicked through but there are amazing facts and pictures about our own Loch Garten eyrie.  There is a picture of the original tree  and two rangers climbing the tree and placing an old cart wheel at the top to attract ospreys.

    It also writes about when the tree was half sawn through by vandals and metal struts placed on it for support.  I haven't read it yet but so looking forward too. Just thought I'd share and there is also  ffiguresd at the back of the book from 1954 - 1978 about breeding pairs etc.   And about how the RSPB bout 1517 acres of land surrounding mallachie and Garten (AHH!!)  thus safeguarding the land for nesting ospreys.

      LONG LIVE THE RSPB!!    Soo excited  so excuse be blathering on  :_)))

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.