Loch of the Lowes - 2010

Thought I'd start a separate thread for the posting of news, updates, pictures etc. from the nest at the Loch of the Lowes. Now that the first chick has hatched at Loch Garten the Daily Update page is going to get too unwieldy if it is used for news from LotL as well as LG, and the "News From Other Nests" is getting pretty full as well.

  • Lindybird - how can she see the chicks when her eyes are closed ????  There was some discussion about her eyes yesterday and her lid is closed. I just want to understand, OK?

  • They have double eyelids, to protect their eyes, as do many birds and mammals.

    I saw her this morning, and again later on today, open her eyes fully for just a moment or two, and look around.  It's as if she is paralysed except for her wings and neck, and I wonder if she has had the equivalent of a stroke in a human being. If that is the case, there is absolutely nothing that can be done either to help her recover, or help her feel better.

    EDIT:    Sorry if that sounds callous - but I can't give you a hug from here.... just feel that I have done, will you?


    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Perhaps the CAPS were a happy accident, tish -   BIG HUGS TO YOU, TOO...

  • I just logged in. Lady has her head up and her wings tucked to her side . Her eyes still look closed .  Is she recovering? 

    One chick is food soliciting. With Lady now holding her head up maybe the male will try to feed her. 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • I was thinking that too Barbara Jean, i think she looks a bit brighter, maybe we are just hoping but she has been sitting up for a wee whiley.

  • Morning all: Just finished reading the "official: blog and comments at LOTL; large box of tissues close at hand. Thanks Sue C, Vespa, and Tiger for response to my earlier musings and additional information regarding current and past situations.  It's all a bit conflicting since, as someone said on the other site, we intervene all the time in nature in one way or another but apparently not here and not now - and for what sound like good reasons until we see Lady on the nest and still-helpless chicks.   The silver lining - albeit distant - to this particular gray cloud is that come next year, a young healthy female will find this nest and the amazing cycle will start all over again.

    Lindybird: Knowing how you like poems, wondered if you'd seen The Life of a Bird on the official LOTL comment blog? It's several pages back under "older posts." 

    Take care all. 


  • Lady is elderly and i believe her time has come

    She is being left to remain in her rightful place with her family

    I feel for all the staff who have watched her all these years, she has done a magnificent job and deserves to

    be left to complete her life with dignity


  • She has been looking a lot brighter for quite a while and was sitting right up withdropping her head.  She has moved around a fair bit too.  She was responding to sounds round her as well.  It would be wonderful if she could come through this.  She was also preening herself to my astonishment!!!

  • Unknown said:

    Lady is elderly and i believe her time has come

    She is being left to remain in her rightful place with her family

    I feel for all the staff who have watched her all these years, she has done a magnificent job and deserves to

    be left to complete her life with dignity


    I agree. If this is her time to go she is not alone in her winter home. She is in her own nest. Her chicks are snuggled next to her . I am sure she  knows her mate is feeding the chicks ( she lifed her head when he came with a fish) and he is near by to protect the nest . 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean