Loch of the Lowes - 2010

Thought I'd start a separate thread for the posting of news, updates, pictures etc. from the nest at the Loch of the Lowes. Now that the first chick has hatched at Loch Garten the Daily Update page is going to get too unwieldy if it is used for news from LotL as well as LG, and the "News From Other Nests" is getting pretty full as well.

  • Thank you BigRab - both for your encouragement about cross threads and the very valuable info and links.

  • Hello Lindybbird I have just have a look and Lady still struggling which is so sad.  As I type the Laird is feeding the chicks and I too have hope for the future.  Not posted much today as I am so choked up but I gather fish are coming in at LG.  Some people have suggested on the LOtl blog that they remove Lady now but Peter has said it would be much to stressful for her and the cnicks, so we have to wait and watch and hope that she will soon be at peace.


  • Does anyone else think that Lady changes positon or do they alter the camera angle ? I just can't work it out.

  • Hi Margo. This is not intended for you about what is happening to our Dear Lady! I am just replying about Peter's comment.

    As you say "Peter said it will be stressful for her and the chicks". It will be stressful for them anyway when and if they do remove her. I think this is so cruel to let her go on suffering the way she is!!!

    They should have intervened from the very beginning when they first saw her struggling and tried to help her.

    I thought RSPB and SWT were against cruelty to animals!!!!

    This is utter Cruelty!!!!     

    If nothing goes right, go left! :-)

  • I've been watching for some time now, Lady has raised her head and is looking around her:  she can see her chicks are safe beside her.   I'm sorry, Sandra but there is nothing that anyone can do if she is fading... at least she is where she has always felt at home, and can see her chicks are being cared for by the male.

    EDIT:   Cirrus,  I think it's a bit of both - she did change around a bit this morning, but they also have more than one camera angle at LotL.

  • Lindy.

    I know it is so upsetting for us all to see such a Dear Beautiful Bird as our Lady suffering like this. But I for one feel very strongly that something could have been done from the very beginning. These are my feelings and if other people disagree, they are entitled to their own opinions, just like myself.

    If nothing goes right, go left! :-)

  • Sandra I do understand your feelings but I feel those at LOtL are far more experienced that we will ever by and at the end of the day the decision to remove her  has to be theirs.  Yes it is distressing but I have seen her sit right up this afternoon so she is still fighting.  She must be aware of where she is and the fact that her 2 much loved chicks are with her with the Laird coping well with the situation at the moment.  We know now that she is going to leave us and I am choked but she will be where she belongs in her nest by the Loch. 


  • Unknown said:

    Does anyone else think that Lady changes positon or do they alter the camera angle ? I just can't work it out.



    Hi Cirrus know you are feeling like many of us today but we know we can talk about how we feel to each other.  I think Lady has moved position and a little while ago she sat up for longer than she has been before she flopped down again.  Touching to see the chicks close to her and I am sure she is aware of them and the fact that the Laird is feeding them.  Hugs all the way to you.


  • I would have thought that  one of the main reasons why Marge could not be removed from the nest just now, is that no one could be certain, that even in her much weakened state, she would not resist violently.

  • Tiger. If they remove Marge and Laird finds it a struggle to feed and look after the chicks will "Man" intervene somehow?   know they wouldn't because it's a nature thing not like Odin and the fishline but if we have human rights so should Ospreys. After all they GIVE us aso much pleasure we should be allowed to help them.  OSPREY RIGHTS!!

    I have just conme in and I have never looked at the webcam because I can't it's so hard to read about her.!! 

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.