Thought I'd start a separate thread for the posting of news, updates, pictures etc. from the nest at the Loch of the Lowes. Now that the first chick has hatched at Loch Garten the Daily Update page is going to get too unwieldy if it is used for news from LotL as well as LG, and the "News From Other Nests" is getting pretty full as well.
Well, someone just flew in for a moment, then left immediately again. When I tried to go to Cam1, found it'd cut off so couldn't say if a chick or not.
Huh. Well, at least one bird came to the nest and left again.
OK. Two birds have now arrived at the nest. And gosh, just refreshed Cam 1 and one flew off! Whoever is left is calling loudly. Seems like something should be happening! :-)
Second chick (or adult) now back on nest, but looks like the chick already there has a fish! Not sure who brought it or which chick is eating it.
Now fish-eating chick is solo on nest again... not bothered by any competition for breakfast.
Spoke too soon; was just mantling. Second bird arrives - and leaves again. Geez. Wish it'd make up its mind. It could've been Lady or Laird - looked like it had darker wings and less patterning....
Lady just arrived with breakfast (a second one?) and is now feeding the chick who's been busy eating for the last 30 minutes or so. Wonder where the other chick is...... You'd think he/she would be right there for eats.
Here's Lady and chick.
Chick has flown off.
And is back again.