Loch of the Lowes - 2010

Thought I'd start a separate thread for the posting of news, updates, pictures etc. from the nest at the Loch of the Lowes. Now that the first chick has hatched at Loch Garten the Daily Update page is going to get too unwieldy if it is used for news from LotL as well as LG, and the "News From Other Nests" is getting pretty full as well.

  • Sue C   Yes you are quite right about OVS being left with two chicks. It was 2005 and the two starving chicks were translocated to Rutland Water with the other 9 birds moved that year.

    I presume that the female was green 7B but this has never been confirmed.

    Of course OVS had already featured at Loch Garten that year.

    See  p 24 Life of Ospreys and

    See http://www.ospreys.org.uk/Archives/Update2005.7.htm

    Saturday 23 July

    Three more chicks arrived from Scotland and joined the others on Lax Hill. This is a pair of orphans, 7R and 7S, one female and one male. Roy Dennis has been monitoring this nest regularly and became concerned when the adult female disappeared. He applied for a variation of the licence so that, in this exceptional case, both chicks could be brought to Rutland. There were now 10 Osprey chicks being held in the pens on Lax Hill.

  • Good morning Lindybird  I am looking at Lady now and her head seems to have dropped right down now.  I wonder if she has passed away.  Hate to see her like this as she may be suffering.  It is heartrending to watch the chicks sitting there with her.  One if very close to hear and a while ago she raised her head briefly as if she know the chicks were.


  • Thanks for all the overnight posts on the sad situation at LotL. Spent most of yesterday watching the nest (which is why I managed to miss all of Odin's deliveries at LG) as, having watched her so much in previous years, I felt I needed to be "with" her at the end. I was hoping that she would pass peacefully away during the night but, alas, she is still fighting on.

    I feel desperately sad for the staff at LotL who have known her for so many years, and found it quite moving that they stayed up all night to keep a vigil. I think it was brave of them to keep the camera online throughout this ordeal and completely agree that intervention is simply not an option.

    The cycle of life, however, never stops revolving and, when her struggle is finally over, the baton will be passed to the Laird to raise the chicks by himself. The early signs are very encouraging with plenty of fish being brought in and him tenderly feeding the youngsters. If he does manage to successfully rear them to fledging then he will have written the next page in the history of the nest at LotL.


  • Yes Sandy I agree.  The chicks have been lying quietly right up close to mum and are now sitting up looking at the camera.  Its very sad and touching but she is surrounded by her little family and has the thoughts and prayers of many people who have followed her over the twenty plus years that she has graced this part of the world.  I have followed her for only the past two seasons and am so glad to have done so.  She will be remembered with great fondness.

  • Hi everyone, I echo everything you are all saying, its so very sad.

  • looks like lady is trying to shade the chicks from the sun

  • The Laird is feeding the chicks at the moment, its amazing how intuitive these birds are, they know just what to do and when to do it.

  • In and out all day so have just popped in to find that Lady is still with us and so pleased to hear the the Laird is feeding his chicks and fighting of intruders.

    Just looking at the nest in the last few mins Lady seems to have turned around and the chicks are snuggling up to her. Peace be with you Lady and God Bless.

  • Have to go out again, will catch up later. Peace, Lady.

  • The Laird has just come back with another fish, he's doing a great job providing for and feeding these wonderful babies :o)