Well another day begins with the night-time. EJ is fidgiting again and rolling the eggs although the chicks sound quiet now and Lady at LOTL is having a moment - fidgiting a bit but now settled down.
All you early watchers I hope you find that EJ's 1st chick will have hatched. Capture it if you can and we will find out in the morning.
Goodnight all.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Leaving the fish for later. Isn't she a good Mum.. Brenda H
There is something so ungirly about having big feet though!!
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
I've been blessed with big feet all my life, and I'm not especially tall either!!!!! (size 61/2 to 7)
Thanks for reports and pics: I was cooking and eating. Nice to know that they are not hungry today of all days.
Odin just called in briefly with the fish stuck to his talons - then he took off again almost immediately!
EDIT Was that another fish then ????
She is a brilliant Mum, Tish. i know the big feet doesn't sound right but the female is the bigger bird. Mind you, last year I was convinced that Mallachie was a boy.
Odin just delivered another fish, but I was busy loading this page and didn't see if he left it or took off with it.
Odin flies in knicks the fish and flies off. What if EJ and chicks get
hungry and you aren't around !!
Oh, maybe it was delivered earlier.....
Bad Boy Odin just came and took the leftover fish.
EJ looked a bit puzzled.
Considering he doesn't get off his branches to fish until noon, this will be a long stretch without food for the chick :(
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Unknown said: She is a brilliant Mum, Tish. i know the big feet doesn't sound right but the female is the bigger bird. Mind you, last year I was convinced that Mallachie was a boy.
I can't believe he took the fish. EJ and chick need it. Has he forgotten last year.