Well another day begins with the night-time. EJ is fidgiting again and rolling the eggs although the chicks sound quiet now and Lady at LOTL is having a moment - fidgiting a bit but now settled down.
All you early watchers I hope you find that EJ's 1st chick will have hatched. Capture it if you can and we will find out in the morning.
Goodnight all.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
They have great communication. Odin stood there with his gift of moss and EJ started food soliciting . He left and was still nearby. EJ continued her food soliciting. Now she is quiet so I presume he went fishing
She is very restless constantly shifting her position. Could chick #2 be ready to hatch?
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Does anyone know if Odin has seen his chick?
Unknown said: Does anyone know if Odin has actually SEEN his chick?
Does anyone know if Odin has actually SEEN his chick?
Yes Odin came to the nest . EJ did stand up briefly to show him. He stood at her side for several minutes looking at her breast where the new chick was snuggled
Yes we were pretty sure that was what EJ was showing him at 6.44am. She stood across the camera so we couldn't see. He stood on the edge of the nest looking but wouldn't venture any nearer.
He did come back later for a second visit but EJ did not get up.
Well, Brenda, that's no surprise seeing as he was frightened of the eggs yesterday!
Lindybird said: Well, Brenda, that's no surprise seeing as he was frightened of the eggs yesterday!
That's what AQ said at the time, Linda.
BarbaraJean and Brenda - thank you so much. so, then, is that EJ calling cos she can see him with a fish or is that cos he just considers it too early to fish and EJ is getting cross !!!!!!
I fear it may be the latter Cirrus as he was still around the nest about 15 mins ago.
Go, get FISH, Odin !!
Morning one and all. I got my first chick sighting at 8.25, 4 mins after I woke up!!! Anyone know what time it hatched?