Well another day begins with the night-time. EJ is fidgiting again and rolling the eggs although the chicks sound quiet now and Lady at LOTL is having a moment - fidgiting a bit but now settled down.
All you early watchers I hope you find that EJ's 1st chick will have hatched. Capture it if you can and we will find out in the morning.
Goodnight all.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Good Night Annette.
Oh for crying out loud EJ. Odin arrives. She gets up, flaps, changes position, but still manages to block our view! Doesn't look like she's going anywhere. Little peeps exchanged - but...
EJ up and flapping. Here is Odin. EJ move !!! I can't see . . . Oh bother, she settles back down. Did anyone with quick eyes see eggs or chick?
Definitely have to ask LG to install a mirror for us LOL
Brenda: I really was just going to shut down...
Odin standing about; doesn't seem to know what to do next - oh he's gone again. OK. I'm really going to bed now! (Night Brenda) :-)
Odin gone to fetch breakfast
Well, she was showing Odin, something...a chick, in or out of shell/ View blocked, although she was stnding up. Now he has gone off.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site
Sat track schedule Spring 2014
LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies
I can't believe she managed to still block our view.
Well he certainly didn't want a closer view. He stayed on the edge of the nest.
He's still scared of those small peeping things?