Well another day begins with the night-time. EJ is fidgiting again and rolling the eggs although the chicks sound quiet now and Lady at LOTL is having a moment - fidgiting a bit but now settled down.
All you early watchers I hope you find that EJ's 1st chick will have hatched. Capture it if you can and we will find out in the morning.
Goodnight all.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Hi Lynette....perhaps you could let us know when you start a new thread. Thankfully JSB was watching!! Thanks JSB.
Sounds quiet now, EJ more restful than before, but still wide awake. She keeps moving from side to side. The chick has started up again, noise is softer, sort of chirping, rather than peeping, When she raised her body just now, it looked as if she was moving something just under her breast, impossible to identify anything, though. Now she has setttled again.
Must sign off now for the night, would not be surprised if the daylight shines on a new life!
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site
Sat track schedule Spring 2014
LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies
I agree JSB. The cheeping is getting louder. Mmm just hear something there.....so did EJ. Eggshell cracking? How am I ever going to get to bed?
EJ adjusted her position and the egg nearest us ie camera - she is facing the camera which is handy - still seems to be intact. She nudged it just under her breast.
Back for a last look and EJ is settled, but still fidgeting. She is just "catnapping" when she can. Poor girl. I remember the sleep deprivation of childbirth well..,,,Oh, my. More muffled cheeps, fidgeting, hey wait a minute... EH stepped back, flapped her wings to exercise them. Clear view of nest. Camera picture is so poor at this time of night. Don't think there was any breach of the eggs. Look forward to joining you all when the sun has risen on a new day. By the way, I realises after I posted that the "egg" I could see at LOTL which was not being brooded was probably eggshell, either that or a ping pong ball. Doh! G'night all. Over to AQ, Wattle, Annette, Gary, Barbara Jean and co.
Thanks everyone
3.13am and EJ fast asleep. The contrast is so poor at night I couldn't tell which was her head and which was her bu*! Anyway, she moved her head , so i could figure it out after that...
No sound from the eggs that I could pick up. EJ was laying quite high, not flat out. Don't know if that means something or just wishful thinking that she has a chick under her!!
Lynette, tomorrow I can post something to your wall, save putting it here, about YouTube. It is so easy to do, really.
Anyway, thats me for today. Happy Saturday everyone. What a day (again)
Hey all: Well it's daylight, sort of, at LG. That mist is still heavy and EJ still on nest. Image is better than late-night view where, as Gary noted, the contrast isn't good and where I too, couldn't see which way EJ was facing. Once color kicks in, the details are more defined.
Radio Cuckoo is broadcasting in the distance with minor interference from other avians. It's great that that buzz has disappeared. What a relief.
Ah. Color. That's better! Sounds so lovely and peaceful there with just the birds.....
Good Evening/ Morning Annette, I woke up very early, so I couldn't resist having a look at the nest. EJ, still rocking on the eggs with her back to us.
Morning BrendaH. You are up early! It's beautiful at LG right now - the fog between the trees, blue sky in the background, and the nest all aglow...