EJ has just had another egg turning session. Clarity of night vision is much better.
We await in anticipation, today could be the day!!!!!!!!!!!!
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Unknown said: STOP PRESS: Second chick hatched at around 7.50pm on Friday! The above is what they have put on their blog
STOP PRESS: Second chick hatched at around 7.50pm on Friday!
The above is what they have put on their blog
thanks Brenda I was watching and felt sure I could see another chick. What good news but hope it doesn't rain too much tonight.
Wrong blog but the Laird has just been to see his new arrival. He has not long brought a fish in wonder if he going to get another one now.
Thanks for the quote from "The Osprey World..." jsb - enjoyed that.
Hi to Nancy who watches in USA - glad you are enjoying our chat and the drama of Loch Garten. If last year is anything to go by, 'you aint seen nothin' yet!" as the drama unfolds with ever more events before hopefully there are three more ospreys flying around, out in the world.
BGR - missed it thought I was watching intentely as well so YES Lynnette it has hatched lol
All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy. Spike Milligan
Sure I can hear the talking eggs and EJ is moving around and egg rolling.
Margo, I think every one was taken by surprise. They were all watching the live fish and didn't see the 2nd chick. Some remarked that the fish may have released the chick.
Glad to hear about the 2nd chick at LotL.
Odin has had a hard stare at the eggs, and given a look into the distance as if willing EJ to return - "what do I do now, these things are making a noise ?" Then he takes off. EJ appears after a few seconds. Now after peeping to the eggs, she is settling down on them again.
EJ just flew off but is it Odin on tne nest or did she return from a quick exercise flight.
Its EJ on the nest, margobird.
EJ back on nest. Odin left - he'd had enoughof the talking egg freaked him out lol