EJ has just had another egg turning session. Clarity of night vision is much better.
We await in anticipation, today could be the day!!!!!!!!!!!!
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Even more breakfast
Certainly not Cirrus. I am also watching the chick being fed.
Me too - isn't the gentleness of Lady wonderful to see?
Ditto !
Auntie not sure if anyone replied to your question about brooding pouches. Yes Ospreys have them but the male (being smaller anyway) has smaller pouches.
patriciat said: Barbara Jean Sorry for the delay in replying - had to do some essential chores. On the bar immediately above the part of the screen with pictures, text etc, at the right-hand side there should be an icon labelled 'Page'. If you click on that you should get a drop-down menu including 'Zoom', which will give options for the level of zoom. Hope this works for you. Patricia
Barbara Jean Sorry for the delay in replying - had to do some essential chores. On the bar immediately above the part of the screen with pictures, text etc, at the right-hand side there should be an icon labelled 'Page'. If you click on that you should get a drop-down menu including 'Zoom', which will give options for the level of zoom. Hope this works for you.
I don't have a bar or an icon "page" I have a Mac and use Flip for Mac . Maybe it is only on a PC
Thanks anyway
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
It is after 10 A.M. has anyone seen Odin?
Hi everyone, bit late signing on today, had to go out first thing. Just caught up with all the posts, I see Odin hasn't been to the nest yet.
Isn't it just great that at LOTL we get such good closeups of Lady and her chick, feeding and otherwise, so privelidged to be in on it.
EJ just had another wash and brush up and keeps figiting.
BarbaraJean NO, I have not seen Odin but did not boot up until after 9 am. Surely he was around really really early ??? Someone???
What is going on with Lady? Do you think chick two is about to hatch? She won't brood and keeps looking at the eggs.
I have been on since daylight and i have not seen Odin. I did leave my computer for a few minutes a couple of times
EJ is scanning the sky/area in the direction he uses to fly to the nest