Daily Update (LG Nest) Friday 21st May

EJ has just had another egg turning session.  Clarity of night vision is much better.

We await in anticipation, today could be the day!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I meant that I usually have to wait until next day to read about events. EJ having another little wriggle. Ooh, she's standing to give a glimpse of 3 eggs. Resettles.

  • I believe The center has powerful telescopes. I wonder if they have seen cracks developing in the first egg.

    If they have seen them I wish they would tell us. It would give everyone advance notice that hatching will happen today  


    Unless I missed it Odin has not come to the nest yet today to take his turn on the eggs .  Has anyone seen him egg sitting today ?


    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Hi everyone.

    EJ gently sorting her eggs.  I wonder if the first LG hatching of 2010 will be today. 

    Got my first view of the chick at LotL earlier. :-)  Amazing to thing such a tiny wee thing will grow up to be a powerful bird of prey.


    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Three eggs. Can't say if there is crack

    Must hit the shower now, happy watching all :)

  • Good morning day shift. I'm off to fix evening meal. May drop back later. Well, for sure. LOL

  • Good morning all,  EJ just of for an exercise flight.  Thank you to Annette and the night shift crew!!!! Got to go out at some point this morning and early afternoon so please lets have lots of piccys and descriptions which I know will happen anyway!  I wonder what our English teachers would think of us all now.  Huh!!!!!!

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Have discovered how to zoom in on the picture.  EJ stood up and I had a good look at the eggs - couldn't see any movement and resolution is not really good enough to detect small cracks.  Then EJ, having had a few wing flaps, flew off.  I could see her flying around, close enough to keep an eye on the nest and return swiftly.  She's back 'on station' now.  I don't usually time things well enough to see the action, so very pleased.  Don't know how to record what happens, so any hints welcome!

  • patriciat said:

    Have discovered how to zoom in on the picture.  EJ stood up and I had a good look at the eggs - couldn't see any movement and resolution is not really good enough to detect small cracks.  Then EJ, having had a few wing flaps, flew off.  I could see her flying around, close enough to keep an eye on the nest and return swiftly.  She's back 'on station' now.  I don't usually time things well enough to see the action, so very pleased.  Don't know how to record what happens, so any hints welcome!

    How did you zoom in?

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Can't help you there, don't know myself how to record action, patriciat. 

    I came on just as EJ decided to have her short fly around, then she landed in the tree below the cam, as we heard a 'clunk' noise.  Left the eggs for just a few minutes before back on duty again. Nice and calm there at LG this morning:  hot weather predicted for the British Isles this weekend, everyone!