Daily Update (LG Nest) Thursday 20th May

Another day closer to the first egg hatching and I'm pretty sure Odin is still sitting after EJ flew off for a break. I could be wrong of course.  Eagle eyes amongst you early morning viewers may be able to put me right.

  • Good evening everyone.  I've been absent for a few days but delighted to see that I have not missed the hatching at LG.  I think we will have a very busy weekend on the blog with hatching due imminently.  Thanks to everyone for the comments on LOTL.  I was so concerned for those eggs earlier on but so far all looks good.  This beautiful weather will have helped with the fishing and wellbeing of the ospreys.  Unfortunately Aviemore has rain forecast during the next few days but we will just have to accept whatever weather comes along.  Today was absolutely wonderful.  Off to watch some of Gary's vids.

  • Sorry, wasn't ignoring anyone:) My pleasure to post the clip. I missed it live as well so it was great to see. It's almost as if someone has switched the male, he is so different today than previous days. Maybe that's fatherhood for you!

    So, Odin, sitting calmly and EJ usually returns before it gets too dark.

  • Lynette D said:

    Lynette, are you using Windows 7 as an operating system? I've just read that a lot of people can't record using that. Just a thought?


    Just seen your post Gary, Yes I am so maybe that is the problem.



    That may be it Lynette. A number of people said RP wouldn't work for them after switching. Maybe there is something on the RP site, may have a look later. Good luck with the other way:)

    Hello Emma, good to see you:) Lets hope the weather isn't too bad for them.

  • Hello everyone- I'm back from an evening out. So, only ONE fish today then?

    Mmmmm   enough said. I've copied and pasted the links Gary and Sandy (I think - or apologies if I've not remembered correctly - about Lady and  Laird)

  • gary a said:

    Lynette, are you using Windows 7 as an operating system? I've just read that a lot of people can't record using that. Just a thought?


    Just seen your post Gary, Yes I am so maybe that is the problem.




    That may be it Lynette. A number of people said RP wouldn't work for them after switching. Maybe there is something on the RP site, may have a look later. Good luck with the other way:)

    Hello Emma, good to see you:) Lets hope the weather isn't too bad for them.[/quote] Not having much luck at all Gary even with MVSnap3 which at first I was but no luck now. Oh well, resigned to looking at the wonderful pics from you all instead and of course your clips Gary.

    Odin still sitting on eggs, not quite gone to night vision yet. Odin looking around as if maybe he can see EJ.


  • Cuckoo sounds good. Off to watch videos

  • OH Lynette ! I'm so sorry!! What Windows do you have then (think I missed the info)

  • Just flicked over to night vision and picture OK at the moment.

    Very dark at LOtL now and Lady has just flown off, bu the Laird has just arrived.

  • I will say Good Night now. We could have a busy day tomorrow, on here.

  • Maybe it was the Laird sitting before and Lady has returned to brood for the night.