Daily Update (LG Nest) Thursday 20th May

Another day closer to the first egg hatching and I'm pretty sure Odin is still sitting after EJ flew off for a break. I could be wrong of course.  Eagle eyes amongst you early morning viewers may be able to put me right.

  • Gary, thank you very much. I didn't expect that my wish would be granted. He really has shown a different side to his character today. He delivers five fish and feeds his partner. I hope he is able to continue in this manner.  

  • Sandy she is very fidgety tonight. Do you hear that sound?

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Tish said:

    What is that noise  is it animal or bird.  It's horrible!!

    Tish, just logged on, and I can hear it too, could be some sort of bird but not sure

    EJ enjoying the evening and listening to that noise as well.

    Now calling - has she had a fish tonight does anyone know???

  • EJ has just flown off, and in comes Odin who takes his turn at eggsitting .

  • EJ flies off and Odin is in for another session on the eggs.

  • missed change over was any fish brought in

  • gary a said:

    Lynette, are you using Windows 7 as an operating system? I've just read that a lot of people can't record using that. Just a thought?

    Just seen your post Gary, Yes I am so maybe that is the problem.

  • No Alicat, EJ left first and then Odin flew in. No fish since the one at 4.45pm.