Another day closer to the first egg hatching and I'm pretty sure Odin is still sitting after EJ flew off for a break. I could be wrong of course. Eagle eyes amongst you early morning viewers may be able to put me right.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Just watched EJ leave her babies - tell me, is there a way to watch the nest and be able to post at the same time?
EJ off for a break, Odin back on the eggs - make the most of it, my friend, you won't get many more chances.
she flew off i think that Odin has just fown in to egg sit Tish im i right
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Heather B said: Just watched EJ leave her babies - tell me, is there a way to watch the nest and be able to post at the same time?
I'm not very good at explaining things Heather but I click on the bar where I have Daily update and a menu drops down and I click open in new window and then I minimise it and do the same with the osprey nest and I then have a split screen so I can watch EJ and type to you at the same time. If that doesn't make sense I'm sorry I'm not computer literate Heather :))))
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
I'll let you off Alicat Odin is on the nest. I cannot in all honesty sit here all night. My behind gets sore!! (maybe too much info there) :))
Going to have a comfy seat and enjoy my cuppaa!! See you later. x btw Glad you're back and feeling good again!
Heather: Re watching/posting simultaneously, I do the same thing as Tish. Open the Daily Update and/or Weekly Chat pages but have the Live Webcam page sized to sit in a corner of the window so I can keep an eye on activities. Off out now; back later.
Tish said: I'll let you off Alicat Odin is on the nest. I cannot in all honesty sit here all night. My behind gets sore!! (maybe too much info there) :)) Going to have a comfy seat and enjoy my cuppaa!! See you later. x btw Glad you're back and feeling good again!
Alison W said: I'll let you off Alicat Odin is on the nest. I cannot in all honesty sit here all night. My behind gets sore!! (maybe too much info there) :)) Going to have a comfy seat and enjoy my cuppaa!! See you later. x btw Glad you're back and feeling good again!
what is btw tish
Thanks Tish and Annette I will have a go!!
Hi Alicat, btw= by the way