Daily Update (LG Nest) Thursday 20th May

Another day closer to the first egg hatching and I'm pretty sure Odin is still sitting after EJ flew off for a break. I could be wrong of course.  Eagle eyes amongst you early morning viewers may be able to put me right.

  • Came on half expecting it all to be off already:  EJ is sitting calmly on the nest, unaware of the electrical excitement amongst us humans.  Hope all goes well with the changeover.

  • Unknown said:

    I searched on the net to find out how long it takes a chick to break out of it's shell. All I could find was the time it takes chickens. Up to 24 hours. So Odin & EJ  probably feel chick #1 pecking at it's shell 

    I posted on an earlier day Barbara Jean part of an article by the BBC recording a hatching at LOtL in 2008 and they said it took 2/3 days. The egg started cracking on the Friday and the chick was out by the Sunday. To clarify I put in " how long osprey chick to break out of egg" the BBC site is what you want.Scroll down righthand side to "Osprey chick breaks through egg" and you will see the article there. It refers to Lady (as she is  called at present) being the oldest breeding female etc.  I have gone on a bit but hope that helps.

  • We have now lost power until its back on again