Another day closer to the first egg hatching and I'm pretty sure Odin is still sitting after EJ flew off for a break. I could be wrong of course. Eagle eyes amongst you early morning viewers may be able to put me right.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Could be EJ back on the nest and I missed the changeover, anyway seems almost asleep.
Well, whoever is on the nest now, happy viewing, I'm off to bed. Will log in towards lunchtime tomorrow to find out what is happening.
All quiet at LOtL as well.
Hey Lynette: EJ up and fidgeting but settled again now.
One point worth mentioning is that the first egg was laid at 19.40 on Thursday 15th April. That might push back the hatching to Saturday (or even Sunday).
Tiger Signature
Thanks everyone. If it wasn't a little early, I would guess the time the webcam was down. However I've guessed at about 2.43pm on Saturday afternoon...
Hi everyone.Many thanks for all the updates and pictures. I've not been feeling great over the last few days. Still feeling a wee bit flat but these heavy colds/ flus tend to go away in time. Nothing that watching ospreys won't cure.Great to hear about EJ and Odin's great skills in dealing with intruders. As for Odin's fish provision, one word: Expert.Welcome back to all who've been on holiday. :-)Barbara Jean: Hope your shoulder gets back to full speed soon. EJ's awake at LG. Just heard the first birdsong of the morning! Not sure what it was though.Paul.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Hi Paul. Wow, you're either very early or late!!
Hope you feel a little better soon
3.30am and EJ awake and laying quietly
EJ just got up and left for a little fly can see the horizon already at LG..
Hey Heron: Oh no. still under the weather? Boo. Do hope this passes soon.
Tiger: Thanks for additional info. Gary: You're up late!
EJ just came back.
Annette, just going to bed!! My OH was late home from work so delayed a bit. 11pm is way late for me:)
Night and hope it's nice and quiet for a bit