EJ has her back to us at the moment and keeps fidgiting - could there be somethin in the offing. We can but live in hope.
Happy watching all you early morning ones. I'll sign off now till our UK morning.
Sorry bit premature with the handover, clock is a little fast.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
I suspect EJ is calling for fish, Odin was egg-sitting a very long time this morn
my photos in flickr
Looking at all 3 nest sites, LG, LOtL and Manton Bay, all are bathed in sunlight. Marje is calling at LOtL and EJ at LG. Want their fellas to come in and take over for a bit, I gather.
Malc comes in at LOtl and Marj is off or is it the other way around, not sure. Takes time to settle on the eggs but is doing so now.
Morning, All. What a lovely day at L. Garten. Here is EJ in the sun:
Lovely pic LIndybird (as usual :) ) - Yes Auntie I agree with you; I think EJ wants breakfast - thanks for the info about Odin's long sit this morning. I thought he got up very readily when EJ returned.
Odin finally arrives with a new stick and EJ's off in a flap of wings leaving the eggs to Odin.
Odin suddenly flies in with no warning. (no fish either!) EJ gets up and goes without ceremony. Odin now rearranging the nest to his liking.
Just logged on to see Odin blundering about the nest with a huge branch ... and he walks on the eggs ... come on Odin ... not good enough :-))
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Rats! I didn't notice the egg walking Djoan - the stick was so big it obscured Odin's view I suppose !!!!!
Here he is in the sun: