I notice that Alan Petrie posted that Ospreys had been sighted at Rookery Pit, Stewartby Bedfordshire on 07/04/10.
Rookery Pit which formed part of the Stewartby Brickworks has now been earmarked by US company Covanta for a 600,000 ton a year Waste Incinerator.
This site currently has reedbeds, pools and larger stretches of open water and is an important site for wildlife.
I am a member of an action group fighting the proposed Incinerator on many grounds - one of which is the actual loss of important wildlife habitat and the impact on wildlife and habitats in the adjacent Marston Vale Millennium Country Park. For more details visit www.mmetag.com (Marston Moreteyne Action Group)
Do members think the Ospreys could use the site for nesting - or are they just passing through?
If any members have photos of the Ospreys at Rookery Pit or Marston Vale that they could share with us to post onto the website (a visual aid always helps) that would be great.
Marston Moreteyne Action Group are holding an open day on Saturday 22nd May at the Methodist Hall (by the Doctors) in Marston Moreteyne 10am - 2pm. If you live in the area are are concerned about the impact the proposed incinerator will have - please pop in and say hello.
Nicola Ryan-Raine
Hi Nicola,
I know Alan is away, but I'm not aware of anyone who posts here regularly and lives in the immediate area of Marston. I believe that the sighting above was picked up from a birding database, and from the date was most likely an osprey passing through, en route for Scotland or the north of England. However it's still important that they have suitable places to stop off and fish.
I have just found the website of a local birding group, who I see are listing Marston Vale CP as a birding site - perhaps it might be useful to contact them? http://www.bedsbirdclub.org.uk/