Evening all: Thanks so much for all the previous posts - especially Gary's brilliant skills on the video. I keep trying MWSnap but still can't get anything but a black screen when I click on the LG live webcam. Sigh.
Lynette: Oh no - didn't have any problem with being reminded of who said what; it's just as well someone can remember! :-)
It's already lightish at LG; EJ awake and on her eggs.
Yes. missed it, was doing other things. Glad to hear there has been a fish delivery and Odin is doing his stuff .
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Brilliant a fish delivery ... great stuff Odin ... I missed it ... I was out in the garden but have been driven in by rain :-((
Welcome back Cirrus ... glad you enjoyed your holiday on Mull
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Glad your're back Cirrus, hope you enjoyed your break. Only visited Mull once many years ago but what I saw was beautiful, wild, mostly empty moorlands and hills - just great. We were on our way to Iona at the time.
Morning all. Thanks for all the reports and wonderful captures.
7am here and youmay rememeber I said yesterday Odin seems to bring in the fish just before I log on. Well he did it again! So sorry, no vid:( Great to hear it was a good size . She should be a while.
Odin looks hot sitting there.
My sound on the moicrophone seems to come and go at the moment?
Hi Gary. We know its a bit early for you! Don't expect you to get up earlier just to do our videos! The microphone seemed to change to a more muffled sound earlier on this morning, maybe its a leaf or some moss on it.
Hi Cirrus, good to see you back after what sounds like a really enjoyable holiday. Look forward to hearing all about it.
Gary, the volume was reduced when EJ was in full flow. Maybe somebody at LG couldn't stand it any longer ! I also noticed that Odin has his mouth open, which usuallyy indicates they are feeling the heat.
Odin just gave a few intruder alert chirrups ... and is definitely very alert and watching something!
EJ back and as she flies in Odin flies off ... must be after that intruder!
EJ returns and Odin was eager to fly off. Maybe to chase an intruder.
EJ returning to the eggs: