Daily Update (LG Nest) Saturday, May 15, 2010

OK. Date and year are okay. EJ on her nest; Light over the horizon. Here goes another day at LG.

  • Evening everyone.  Delighted to see a 'business as usual' day on the nest apart from the early intruder.  What is it about Saturdays and intruders?  Gary - I see you have been voted U-tube stand-in while AP is on hols with Hamish the Thunderdog and Lady P.  Excellent news for those of us with limited time to pop in and view.  Hummingbirds in the garden.  Wow.  No chance of that in the UK.  Is that you doing the commentary?  Are you from the South-East of England? I'm trying to suss your accent.  Although a native Scot I spent 10 happy years in the south-east before I had my daughters and wouldn't hesitate to return if the opportunithy presented itself.  Still have lots of friends 'down south'.  After a lovely sunny (windyish) day here in Tayside, the forecast is for rain tomorrow (groan but the ground is really dry after a long and frosty winter) so I'm not sure how things will go up at LG weatherwise.

  • Thanks Brenda. I missed it.

    Hopefully that's all the "action" for today. EJ well fed and rested and ready to settle down:)

  • Just got in from a long day out and about. Couldn't get to post this morning as whole site wasn't cooperating at all. Big thank you to all who have contributed throughout the day. So easy to run through the pages and get a feel for what's been happening.

  • Emma, I feel the pressure already!! I will try my best.

    That was me. My wife and I moved over here 9 years ago but before that, born and raised in Kent, last place we lived was Elham.

    They are lovely birds to watch. So fast and fiesty.

  • Gary - your best will be wonderful.  Its great for me to have a few snippets of the day's action when I come home from work.  Thanks for confirming your accent.  My ears didn't let me down.  I wasn't watching the ospreys at this stage in the season last year and am so glad to have seen their development and partnership to date.  Brilliant to see nature at such close quarters at our own convenience.  It really is a privilege.