Evening all. Good grief. Was about to say it's light already at LG and the cam just went down! (EJ was on the nest at the time.)
See if I can put a pic on with his 'hair' blowing:
Lindybird said: Think Odin finds it harder to be comfortable on the nest - as has been said, he is a bit slimmer than EJ so doesn't fit the same! Just heard some rain on the microphone.
Think Odin finds it harder to be comfortable on the nest - as has been said, he is a bit slimmer than EJ so doesn't fit the same! Just heard some rain on the microphone.
I see Lindybird - yes I thought I heard rain on mike, seems to have stopped now.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
How's that Lindybird? Odin and the wind.
Lynette D said: How's that Lindybird? Odin and the wind.
Good shot Lynette must go mow and do last bits. Hoping I will get to look in this evening. Take care everyone and look after EJ and Odi for me.
MARGOBIRD have a wonderful holiday in Venice. Glad that EJ has been delivered a nice big fish, otherwise you might have refused to go!!!!!!
EJ flies in with the rest of the fish and Odin is off. EJ begins to settle on eggs. I bet she feels better now she's eaten.
EJ returned with a decent part of the fish for Odin.
How is that for devotion EJ brought back some fish for Odin.
EJ looking upwards and a bit edgey, could an intruder be about.
dibnlib said: MARGOBIRD have a wonderful holiday in Venice. Glad that EJ has been delivered a nice big fish, otherwise you might have refused to go!!!!!!
Thanks so much dibnlib and how sweet of EJ to share it with Odin.