Evening all. Good grief. Was about to say it's light already at LG and the cam just went down! (EJ was on the nest at the time.)
EJ alarm calling ?
Odin arrives with a huge FISH!!! EJ shouts at him all excited, grabs it and flies off....
Afternoon Brenda:)
I think that is EJ's food call. Lets hope she can she
At long last a fish .... she was so desperate she almost stood on the eggs!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
No, she was calling to Odin who she must have been able to see. Shortly after, he appeared with a substantial fish and EJ took off with it.
Odin sits down on his beloved eggs...
2.44 and a fish at last. So happy I promptly burst into tears. Well done Odin we know it couldn't have been easy for you. I thought she knew he was around with a gift for her.
Well done, DjoanS, catching the picture. the still camera pics don't work at present, & anyway she was so quick it missed it. Thank goodness she is eating now.
Happy you saw that Margobird:)
That was one big fish.
Thanks for the picture DjoanS.
Would you believe the doorbell rang when EJ was shouting at her loudest. A parcel delivery !!!