Hi to all night owls and those across the water.
EJ looks peaceful on the nest - just having a fidgit and moving the eggs around but otherwise all is well.
Happy watching and see you in the morning.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Oh dear! What hail! Its bouncing off everything, and poor EJ is trying to snuggle down and protect those precious eggs.
EJ in the hail....
Feel so sorry for the osps having to endure the hail. It has been on and off all day. We have had some here but not as much as LG.
I'm surprised that there is so much hail at this time of year. We have had a cloudy day with a very cold north wind, but no hail or rain (yet!).
Lindybird it is cold here but we are not enduring what EJ is bless her. She is moving bits and pieces around at the moment.
Should have said congratualtions to the happy parents to be as well.
Just popping in for a sec. Poor EJ I think it's freezing here in Tayside but it must be freezing for EJ and Odin and the time they ever spend off the eggs is so dangerous I would have thought!!
Margobird-- Enjoy your hols so much and we weill all m iss you so hurry back!! and a happy aniversary to you.
Lindybird- Great news. Well done all of you. LOL
Now I am away again. Phew!!
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Hello & Goodbye, tish. and thanks!
All quiet on the nest at the moment, wonder if there will be another fish today.
EJ has started 'peeping', wonder if she can see Odin.
Watching poor EJ finding it difficult to keep her eyes open. I found I was having the same problem.
The noise of the hail on the nest woke me again.