Hi to all night owls and those across the water.
EJ looks peaceful on the nest - just having a fidgit and moving the eggs around but otherwise all is well.
Happy watching and see you in the morning.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
EJ wishing she let Odin egg-sit a bit longer and take these hailstones for her!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
So right Margo. That really must have hurt. The hail was being driven by such a strong wind.
Hello Brenda I am really going to fret over EJ and Odin while I am away knowing what terrible weather they are going to have for the rest of the week apparently. I will enjoy myself in Venice but it doesn't stop me worrying.
Here is EJ arriving, a calm exchange of duties, then poor EJ sitting out a hail storm
Thanks to everyone for pics and links. Nice to see that EJ has had a fish today. When I came on just now, it had just started hailing again, but thankfully it was short lived. Now she is sitting calmly on the eggs & the sun is trying to come out.
margobird said:I will enjoy myself in Venice but it doesn't stop me worrying.
Margo, when I was in Italy for two weeks last summer, before dinner in the evening, I would buy time on the hotel computers to check on the birds. So I know how you feel.
gary a said: Here is EJ arriving, a calm exchange of duties, then poor EJ sitting out a hail storm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Od7IKQVB10s
Gary thanks for another vid. EJ and Odin are just marvels showing dedication at its highest. Thankfully it has stopped now and the sun seems to be out.
Lindybird are you feeling better today?
Yes thank you, margobird. and if you go to the Weekly Chat page you will see from my latest post why!
Short sharp shower, now over. EJ having a fidgit and looking round. Spoke too soon, down it comes again. Keep warm EJ. EJ getting pounded by the hail.